Hi Hello, Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Is Here

From Cosmopolitan

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Whatever lockdown or physical restrictions you may be facing right now, no one can stop your imagination from roaming freely. The Seven of Cups reminds us that our internal, mental life is vital to our wellbeing. What goes on in our heads is important; it’s where everything starts. Be mindful about what you allow yourself to dwell on this week. Make it positive, purposeful, and directed at something you want to make happen in your life. Stop overthinking and spiraling. Use your imagination for good.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The Page of Wands is a herald of news, information, invitation, and opportunity, so expect your DMs to be blowing up all week long—in a good way! Aries, you’re a social creature, and you love being in the middle of things. Well, that's exactly how this week is going to feel. Say YES to whatever comes your way. Enjoy in being in demand!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Here comes The Sun, and we say it’s alright! This is the tarot’s most positive card, and it represents an opening ahead that could lead to wonderful, magical things for you, Taurus. Be bold enough to step through it. Take what’s offered. Say yes this week, and you won’t believe how good things turn out.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Some people think Geminis are a bit fickle in their relationships (I’m a Gemini, I hear this), but you're actually very caring towards those in your inner circle. This week, the King of Cups sees you getting even closer to the people you value. You feel loved, and you want to show love back. It’s a very warm and fuzzy time, so enjoy it. You are needed and appreciated.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

We're here for a good time, not a long time, Cancer. The Three of Cups is the tarot’s YOLO card. It shows up when we need to let our hair down and loosen up. And why not, as long as you do so safely? Winter is tough on everyone, especially this year, and you need to make sure you’re rewarding yourself. You deserve it for making it through 2020. Make sure you’re enjoying yourself much of it as you can.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

When you get annoyed, fur can fly! And someone has been foolish enough to awaken the lion within. The Five of Swords sees you at odds with someone, and you're getting ready to strike. Simmer down, Leo, because you may only make it worse. Instead of fighting, look for the fastest, easiest way out of this sticky situation. It’s not worth your anger or energy. Resolve matters ASAP, and save yourself the heartache.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The Seven of Wands shows that others have their eyes on a prize you’re working towards. That probably means it’s worth going for, but it also means that you have to compete to get it. This card is a ~spoiler alert~ that you WILL win, but also a nudge to recognize the rivalry. It's a dog eat dog world, Virgo, but you ARE an alpha.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

You’ve got money on your mind, Libra, and you’re making plans to ensure your $$$ is protected, secure, an ideally, increasing. You aren’t always the BEST with your cashflow (you like to splurge), but the King of Coins is bringing you a healthy dose of pragmatism and determination. Invest, save, get advice, and budget this week, and you'll feel safe and secure again.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

You face things head-on, Scorpio, both because you're brave and because you don’t like wasting time or energy. The Two of Swords sees you being bold, direct, and ambitious this week as you push past a particularly difficult or draining situation. You're ready to make tough choices and see them through. Start now, because the longer you wait, the more of a burden this becomes.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The Ten of Swords is a tough card about getting yourself the heck out of a bad situation. A role, environment, or relationship has gotten toxic over the course of this year, and it's far more likely to change YOU, than you are to change IT. The Ten of Swords is a signal that NOW is the time to sever those ties and walk away. You'll feel nothing but relief. Don’t hesitate to end this.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

The World is the tarot’s final card and it represents a new beginning, preceded by an ending. After all, life is a series of cycles. Recognize where something is drawing to a natural close in your world, and resolve to initiate a new beginning. Keep it all going and flowing!


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Aquarius, you are a fixed sign, and therefore you like to know where you stand. Temperance shows that you've been feeling off-balance lately, like you've lost your footing. The good news is that you're going to rediscover your ~center~ this week. Circumstances have changed, and you've been shifting your own priorities in responses. The process has been uncomfortable, but now you can move on with a more realistic outlook.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

If in doubt, don’t do it! You're better safe than sorry this week, Pisces. Put your own self-interests ahead of everything else, and protect your own needs. Sometimes you can be almost too kind to others, and they don’t necessarily deserve it. The Seven of Swords warns you to guard against shadiness in your world. Defend Team Pisces! If there's anyone or anything you have a bad feeling about, stay away. Let this little storm cloud pass by while you stay cozy inside.

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