Hi Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Buckle up! It’s eclipse season! On Wednesday, a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius furthers a year-long learning into a culmination of some kind. On Saturday, Mercury and Venus form a conjunction in Gemini, helping us communicate more effectively in relationships. And then, Mercury Retrograde begins—and it won't end until June 22.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


What are you pretending *not* to know, Aries? Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in Sagittarius wants you to see the Truth as it is, and try to live from this information in a way that supports you. Mercury turns retrograde in your Gemini-ruled communication zone on Saturday, helping you improve the quality of your perception, communication, and listening!


Go deeper, Taurus. Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in intimacy-seeking Sagittarius wants you to take conversations, relationships, and your sexual pleasure to deeper places as you soften into vulnerability. Mercury turns retrograde in your Gemini-ruled security zone on Saturday, so remember to protect your boundaries and keep putting your values into practice.


Let love in, Gemini! Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in your romantic Sagittarius sector wants you to identity and dismantle the blocks you have against love. Be open to new people and possibilities! Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on Saturday, inspiring you to reframe your approach to dialogue, word-choice, writing, and even how you hear others.


What does wellbeing mean to you, Cancer? Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in your Sagittarius-ruled health sector wants you to try to new routines, habits, and behavior to support your emotional, mental, and physical health. Mercury turns retrograde in your Gemini-ruled closure zone on Saturday, helping you let go of all the ideas, people, and things that hold you back.


Share your truth, Leo! Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in courageous Sagittarius helps you share a fear, desire, or hope with people who genuinely need to hear it. Choose vulnerability and you choose your strength! Mercury turns retrograde in your Gemini-ruled friendship zone on Saturday, reuniting you with friends from the past and helping you celebrate each other!


Happy homecoming, Virgo! Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in tender Sagittarius gives you clear contexts on the people, places, and situations that feel like “home." In other words: Everything that keeps your heart safe! Mercury turns retrograde in your Gemini-ruled career zone on Saturday so double-check details, smooth out miscommunications, and assume nothing!


Speak up, Libra! Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in Sagittarius wants you to work through your fear of straight talk. Remember that clear communication is respectful, not unkind. You got this! Mercury turns retrograde in your Gemini-ruled intelligence zone on Saturday, helping you live from the learning and do better because you know better!


It’s safe to trust, Scorpio! Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in trustworthy Sagittarius wants you to confidently engage with the unknown by grounding down your values and exploring the the mysterious. Mercury will retrograde in your Gemini-ruled intimacy zone on Saturday, resurfacing patterns that you need to own so you can choose new behavior!

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Begin again, Sag! Wednesday’s lunar ecilpse in your sign gives you a powerful restart moment if you're willing to let go of what needs to be dropped and optimistically align with a new vision for a better you. Mercury will retrograde in your Gemini-ruled romance zone on Saturday, bringing past partners or scenarios into the present for healing and connection.


Let it go, Cap! Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in your Sagittarius-ruled completion zone wants you to take personal inventory of some thought traps and habits that need release. Allow some grace and do some serious shadow work for healing. Then Mercury retrogrades in your Gemini-ruled wellbeing zone on Saturday, helping you experiment with new routines for wellness.


Ready for reunion, Aquarius? Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in social Sagittarius wants to reconnect you with your friends safely so you can collaborate and support each other. Mercury will retrograde in your Gemini-ruled confidence zone on Saturday, so try regulating perfectionism, comparison, and scarcity, please!


Ready to shine, Pisces? Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in your Sagittarius-ruled career zone is lifting your professional dreams to higher heights. Visualize what’s possible, maintain optimism, and stay focused on your goals. Mercury turns retrograde in your Gemini-ruled family zone on Saturday, helping you heal family-of-origin dynamics as you maintain emotional intelligence.

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