Hey, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

From Cosmopolitan

Overview: Mercury Retrograde is finally over! Now, it’s time to get back on our emotional feet. The Sun in Cancer opposes Jupiter in Capricorn on Tuesday, reminding us that we—and nobody else!—are in charge of our own emotions as we walk through uncomfortable experiences. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday (the second one this summer) helps us apply new ideas and strategies to strengthen our emotional intelligence.

What's that mean for you?


Your emotions on the job determine your results, Aries! Tuesday’s Sun-Jupiter opposition helps you see your feelings as clues for what to do in your professional life. The New Moon in Cancer on Sunday is asking for your intentions around home and family. Focus on the feelings you want and the places that feel like home!


Zoom in AND zoom out, Taurus! The Sun-Jupiter opposition on Tuesday helps you envision of what you need more of—is it the big picture or the small picture? You may need to focus in close, or get out of the weeds. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday wants to manifest your intentions on thinking, speaking, and listening in order to help you connect more meaningfully with others.


What does intimacy mean to you, Gemini? Tuesday’s Sun-Jupiter opposition helps you take off your armor so your partners can see your real feelings. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday will manifest your intentions on money and personal security, so claim your specific desires for safety and financial freedom!


Happy birthday, Cancer! What’s the balance between me and we? Tuesday Sun-Jupiter’s opposition helps you maintain harmony between yourself and others by speaking out to manage expectations. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday is your second chance to tell the Universe all your birthday wishes. Name all the desires you want to receive!


Don’t abandon your routine, Leo! A Sun-Jupiter opposition on Tuesday reminds you to stay focused on your health and wellness goals, because positive results are coming. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday helps you release the low-level ideas and relationships that are preventing you from stepping into your power.


Can you shine around your friends, Virgo? The Sun-Jupiter opposition on Tuesday helps you focus on the friends who love and respect your power and identify those who are intimated by it. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday in your friendship sector manifests the digital reunions you want—the ones that are mutually supportive, trustworthy, and beneficial.


If you’re in your feelings, don’t type, text, or talk, Libra! A Sun-Jupiter opposition on Tuesday could upset you, but don't react until you’re ready to talk calmly and specifically about your feelings and experience. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday in your career sector is listening to your intentions on your professional dreams!


Remember to fact-check the stories you tell yourself, Scorpio! A Sun-Jupiter opposition on Tuesday could create ambiguity, so you’ll need the courage to ask uncomfortable questions and gain clarity. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday is listening to your intentions on education, so tell the Universe what you want to learn to be a better version of yourself.


Are you looking for a bit more security in relationships, Sag? The Sun-Jupiter opposition wants you to name your wants for safety and even commitment in relationships. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday reveals an emotional desire for safety, security, and meaningful intimacy. So make like the bow and arrow and straight-talk about your desire with your partner.


Do they have your back, Cap? The Sun-Jupiter opposition on Tuesday wants you to be transparent about your wants for connection, romance, and support. A New Moon in in Cancer on Sunday wants to manifest your relationships desires, so name what you want to receive in love and make it mutual by naming what you want to give, too!


Surrender is not quitting, Aquarius. The Sun-Jupiter opposition reminds you that it’s your greatest act of power. Release control and stay light on your feet. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday in your health zone wants to manifest your intentions on wellness, routine, and structure for exceptional results.


You are so worthy of love and joy, Pisces! A Sun-Jupiter opposition on Tuesday wants you to feel as admired, celebrated, and valuable as your friends see you. Stand on that self-worth for amazing outcomes. A New Moon in Cancer on Sunday in your joy and pleasure sector wants you to claim your willingness and worthiness to receive all that you want.

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