Golden Snitches! This New Advent Calendar Has 15 Days of ‘Harry Potter’ Socks

Stop the Daily Prophet presses! We’ve got big news straight out of the Wizarding World.

Target's Harry Potter–themed sock collections are back for 2019, and it’s the most magical gift for all the witches and wizards (and muggles and house elves…we don’t discriminate) in your life.

At Target for 15 galleons dollars, the “15 Days of Socks” sets contain Marauder’s Map socks, owl socks, Chosen One socks, platform 9 3/4 socks...and now come in FOUR different calendar varieties (what enchantment did we have to put on the Target product team to get so lucky?!).

There's the Hogwarts crest pack, owl pack, castle pack and the Quidditch pack. Each sock advent calendar has 15 days of printed socks hidden behind a numbered door, but you can bet your bottom galleon we're not waiting 'til any holiday to scoop up these gift sets and start opening them one by one.

So grab Dobby, Winky and the S.P.E.W. gang (that’s the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, obviously) and start counting down the days ’til freedom—er, Christmas.

RELATED: Accio Spatula! Williams Sonoma Just Launched a Harry Potter Cookware Line