Hey, Guys! Tell Us About the Women Who Inspire You the Most.

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Photo credit: monkeybusinessimages - Getty Images

From Men's Health

Is there an inspiring woman you'd like to honor for International Women's Day? Send your message to jordyn.taylor@hearst.com.

Happy International Women's Day! For more than a hundred years, March 8 has been a day for celebrating women's achievements and pushing for gender equality.

To honor International Women's Day in 2019, we asked men to tell Men's Health about the most inspiring women in their lives.

Here's what they had to say.

"My Inspirational Woman is my mother, Marion. My mother moved out to the United States 42 years ago. Just before I was born. My parents had a beautiful house and all their family in Ireland, but wanted a better future. They packed up, took my sister, and off to NY. My mother knew nobody over here. She left a house for an apartment and wondered, did they make the right move? I was born shortly after, and immediately had complications. My parents were to told to get a priest, and they baptized me. My mother never blinked. I was a sick child that she took care of and grew into a (handsome 😊) adult.

"Fast forward 43 years later: My father is diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. It tore through his body. My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last year. Mom never left his side. She took him to appointments, emergency visits, and rehabilitation facilities. Never complained. A ROCK to lean on. She did all of this and she never had a driver's license. Bus, train, Uber, or my sister and I. She went where Dad needed to go. She brought my father home for the last time, in May. She made the man comfortable and made sure he had his dignity. She was AMAZING. She never asked why. And she did all this with no family, from her side, here in the States. Being one of eight and not having them here was never lost on me. She took care of her family and is...and always will be...my inspiration. My father is ..my best friend. My mother is my hero.

"Just needed to share. If anything, I think I’ll read this to her tonight. She’ll probably tell me to knock it off." -Sean Mannion

Photo credit: Sean Mannion
Photo credit: Sean Mannion

"I think there is no stronger force than that of a mother's will power to provide [for] and protect her children. I’ve watched my mom climb from a divorce and bankruptcy without even a hit of a complaint. As the LEADER of the household, she knew that she could not show weakness or any signs of concern. From the outside, she showed to be impenetrable. She instilled the characteristics of leadership, strength, and persistence in her three boys. It wasn’t until later that I realized all that she had done with what she was given, and it still blows my mind to date that she was able to pull it off. So to answer your question, my Mom is the strongest woman I know, and she will forever be an Idol that I look up to. Thank you for asking the question and bringing me present (again) to how great of a mother I have." -Jared Cox

"My incredibly strong sister. Grew up with multiple health conditions that 'should have' prevented her from pursuing her love of dance. Instead, she became a successful competitive dancer, and was called to a career in nursing to help those who went through what she did. Was told she may never be able to carry a child. Struggles to get pregnant, multiple miscarriages, and finally gave birth a few weeks ago to a beautiful baby boy. She has been through more than I can imaging and has never given up hope and faith." -Jake Piel

"The most inspiring woman in my life is my five-year-old daughter I’m raising to be a little queen in a time where the world is quickly changing. As a biracial cute little lady, she’s been a great inspiration for growth and evolving as a man." -CJ Johnson

Photo credit: CJ Johnson
Photo credit: CJ Johnson

"I have two women in my life that inspire me, and one wouldn’t have happened without the other. My mom worked as a child life specialist on the heart transplant unit at the local hospital here in Birmingham, Alabama. She did everything in her power to make sure that the children and their families had as normal a hospital stay as possible. She gave them toys and games and took the family members shopping and to get haircuts and make-overs. Most of our toys at home would end up at the hospital for the children there. She is the most selfless person I’ve met. She raised my brother, sister and I with no help from our dad. I’m a father of two now, and I can’t imagine doing this alone. It just makes me realize the kind of woman she was and is. Anytime I meet someone who knows my mom, they spend the next 10 minutes telling me how wonderful she is and how she has impacted their life.

"Anyway, my wife Jeanne Anne had a heart transplant when she was 13, and my mom was there to help her and her family during this awful time. Fast forward 15 years later and somehow we were introduced. Four years later we were married, and now have two kids that we adopted at birth. (Due to her heart transplant, it would be too risky for Jeanne Anne to go through a pregnancy.) She is now an amazing mom and isn’t bitter and does an amazing job raising our children. She puts herself second and everyone else first. I couldn’t ask for a better teammate and partner in life. I’ve been fortunate to have two great women in my life." -Jared Love

"My daughter Amaya was diagnosed with Type One diabetes on Nov 14 2014 (World Diabetes Day). She was 6 years old and was in a coma for three days due to [the] diagnosis. Since then, she has become almost 100% independent in her own care of her disease and body! Amaya is on a tubeless insulin pump and wears a Continuous Glucose Monitor.

"Amaya is responsible for calculating her carbohydrate intake and inputting that into her pump every time she eats, all while being 10! (A lot less candy and sugary treats, as most kids and adults indulge in on a regular basis.) She has the most amazing attitude about her life-long disease. She (for now) aspires to become a doctor or nurse with a specialty in pediatric endocrinology (diabetes). Amaya inspires me and those around her just by being her! ... She's compassionate, strong, and relentless in her pursuit to not allow her disease to run her own lifestyle.

"I would also like to include her older sister Elizabeth, who's 13! She is the best team player Amaya has in her daily fight! Elizabeth is strong for Amaya when Amaya doesn't want to be! She puts her wants and needs in slow motion for her sister because of their bond and sisterly love for each other!" -Donald Fox

Photo credit: Donald Fox
Photo credit: Donald Fox

"I would nominate my wife, Beth Clement, who is a Michigan Supreme Court Justice who won her recent re-election campaign after standing up when she was pressured to vote certain ways on cases but refused to do so. She has a lot of courage and believes in doing the right thing regardless of any potential consequence." -Tom Clement

Here's what our followers had to say on Instagram:

"My GF. She made me believe my inner abilities." -@ma_berzins

"My wife for kicking breast cancer's ass!" -@rogerj435

"My Mother. She is fierce, compassionate, and [a] true warrior for our family." -@caseyg1118

"My wife. Overcame cancer without ever feeling sorry for herself." -@stacefairhurst

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