Heroic Dog's Barking Alerts Family to Barn Fire on Their Florida Property

This good boy deserves all the treats.

Thanks to a family dog's keen senses, a potential disaster was averted when a fire broke out in Westville. The incident took place on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, when a teenager, who was alone at home, called 911 after his dog started barking incessantly. Upon investigating the cause of the commotion, he spotted flames emerging from a barn where fowl were housed.

Thankfully, Walton County Fire Rescue firefighters arrived quickly and were able to keep the flames from heading to nearby structures.

People are cheering this heroic pup, and @Donnawellington comments, "He deserves a cooked steak chopped up with no bone!! Dogs are so SMART!!" @Kristina replies, "That is awesome! Pyrenees are the best dogs!! Ours have alerted us that my father in law was having a heart attack, of snakes and many other things. They are so smart!" @Matthewbardell adds, "Give that dog all the treats." @Leslieperkins types, "Of course it was A Great Pyrenees! They are the BEST guard and family dogs." @Josie adds her own opinion with something we can all agree with and says "It’s a real life Lassie! Doggos are the absolute best."

The family and their dog were left unharmed, all thanks to the canine hero's timely warning. He's just the best boy ever!

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