Here's why you're tired after a day of doing nothing in lockdown

Photo credit: JGI/Jamie Grill /Blend Images - Getty Images
Photo credit: JGI/Jamie Grill /Blend Images - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Ever had one of those days where you haven't done a great deal, yet still feel totally exhausted by 8pm? It's likely during our current coronavirus lockdown that many of us are feeling tired after a long day of staying in – and there's a good reason why, says Dr Sophie Bostock, a Sleep Specialist at brain health and wellness supplement Heights.

“It’s not surprising that lockdown is impacting how tired people are feeling. A lot of this comes down to routines being hacked, less exposure to sunlight, heightened anxiety from reading the news and increased screen time," she explains.

"Because of all this our brains aren’t getting the same amount of stimulation that they are used to; we’re having to spend our days in the same few rooms of our houses and with the same few people, so it’s natural to feel more lethargic than normal as a result.”

Here, Sophie shares her expertise and best bits of advice for re-energising.

Establish a new routine

And stick to it, too. “You’d think being able to sleep in longer and move less during lockdown would increase our energy levels in the day, but it’s quite the opposite," notes Sophie. "It’s tempting to use the time you would be commuting to sleep-in, but messing with your circadian rhythms disrupts your body, making you more susceptible to tiredness."

Our functions thrive on being able to anticipate waking-up and mealtimes, so if you sleep in after a Tiger King marathon, you’re essentially putting the brain and body through jet-lag. Keep your screens in a separate room to where you sleep too.

Photo credit: Benjamin Torode - Getty Images
Photo credit: Benjamin Torode - Getty Images

Restrict your news intake

Naturally, people are feeling quite anxious at the moment and constantly reading the news doesn't help. "Whilst it’s important to keep up to date with what’s going on, try and moderate how much you're checking the news, it'll help to maintain your emotional balance," says Sophie. "Stress triggers hyperactivity in our brains, releasing cortisol and our bodies go into defence-mode, which saps our energy and motivation." Taking deep breaths and reading a good book before bed can help to.

Exercise your mind and body

If you started off with every intention to regularly do at-home workouts, but have found yourself glued to your laptop instead (same), here's one other reason why it might be worth dusting off your yoga leggings after all.

“With so many of us confined to our houses, it's easy to move from screen to screen and neglect making enough time for physical exercise," says Sophie. "Physical activity is not only vital to boosting energy levels, as it releases endorphins, but it also promotes happiness."

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan

Even though the current rules dictate that you can only get out once a day, even just doing some simple stretches at home will help too. "Overcome tiredness by preparing your body for sleep and restoration with a gentle yoga workout," adds Sophie. It's equally as important to make sure your brain is kept stimulated too, by doing different activities each day, like reading, listening to music or learning a new skill. "The control centre of your body, a healthy and cared-for brain will help beat tiredness.”

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