Here's Why Prince Harry Was Seen Chilling at a Bar Without Meghan Markle

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Bad boi Prince Harry is back and he's THRIVING. Lol, kidding, but the Prince was spotted drinking at a bar all on his lonesome yesterday-at least according to ~eyewitness reports~ from Us Weekly.

The outlet reveals that Prince Harry was seen at The Sands End pub in London, and seemed to be alone (read: Meghan Markle wasn't there)-with the exception of an entire security team, of course! The news of Harry's visit isn't actually all that surprising, because apparently this is his favorite pub and happens to be owned by his godfather.

If you're craving drama, though, this news does come after reports (that are probably all kinds of exaggerated/wrong) claiming that Harry's given up alcohol and is drinking mineral water instead of coffee to support Meghan during her pregnancy. But, like, do you have Harry's bar tab? Me neither, so let's not jump to conclusions!

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