Here's Why Your Friends Are Posting Photos of Red X's on Their Hands Today

From Good Housekeeping

If you saw Ashton Kutcher's extremely emotional speech on child trafficking at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on how to put an end to modern slavery, you might have a clue as to why your Facebook feed is suddenly flooded with photos of people with a red X on their hand or as their profile picture.

If you look closely at the video, you can see that Ashton is wearing a red X pin as he delivers his testimony. Just as a pink bow stands for breast cancer awareness, a red X represent End It – a coalition fighting to end to human trafficking. To become a part of the movement's "Shine A Light On Slavery" Day on February 23, people are marking their hands with this sign and changing their profile picture to raise awareness for this global issue.

Two years ago, Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker introduced official, bipartisan legislation to deal with the issue with the End Modern Slavery Initiative, citing that "more than 27 million people, many of them women and children, suffer under forced labor and sexual servitude in over 165 countries around the world, including our own."

If you want to get involved with the social activist movement, you can change your profile picture to the red X sign, or draw a red X on your hand with lipstick and then post it online with the hashtag #EndItMovement. You can also visit the website to hear personal testimonials, download resources, and donate to the cause.

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