Here's Where to Buy Those Weird Metal Wine Glasses From 'Love Is Blind'

The strangest thing about Netflix’s Love Is Blind isn’t the premise, in which singles agree to marry someone they’ve never seen.

If you’ve seen the show, you may be thinking, “Of course the strangest thing about the show isn’t its plot. It’s clearly Amber’s $700/month makeup habit.”

Good guess. But you’re wrong.

“Well then,” you’re probably thinking. “It must be Jessica’s wine-drinking dog.”

Close, but no cigar.

“Mark’s unwavering and unexplainable infatuation with Jessica? Barnett’s wardrobe? Giannina and Damian’s entire relationship?!”

Nope, nope, and nope.

The strangest thing about Love Is Blind is, without a doubt, the constant presence of large, opaque, metallic wine glasses in its stars’ hands.


Buy it! Walmart, $19.99

The glasses (goblets, really) are never mentioned. They just exist, quietly yet assertively, as a sort of background character.

They didn’t become major players in the show until after the contestants (participants? IDK) left the pods and entered “the real world” back in Atlanta.

But once they were there, they were there.

Well, fellow trash TV fans, you’ll be thrilled to learn that these glasses—A.K.A. elegance incarnate—can be yours.

The VonShef 16 oz. Stainless Steel Stemmed Wine Glass is available at Walmart for $19.99 per set of 2.

You better hit that “add to cart” button fast, though! Walmart has a limited stock, and it looks like Amazon is completely sold out.