How to work out what your rising sign is, and what it means

your star sign's place in the world
How to work out your rising sign (& what it means)Cosmopolitan UK

Most of us know our own and our friends’ star signs aka sun signs. It’s how we all make passive aggressive judgments, while bigging ourselves up, via zodiac memes on Instagram, right? We also know what our moon signs are. But did you realise you also have an equally important rising sign

What is a rising sign?

Your rising sign is the planetary influence which was rising, i.e. on the Eastern horizon, when you were born. It’s about first impressions. It typically describes how others see you IRL, and can also predict your gut, off-the-cuff reactions to events. Your rising sign is the part of you that is most visible to others; your outward facade / social version.

Is this the same as my ascendant sign?

Your rising sign is also known as your ascendant (given its link to the rising sun) sign, and this is often how you will see it described in birth chart analysis. Don’t get confused, because it’s the same thing (just as sun and star signs are actually the same thing).

Why do I need to know my rising sign?

Well, aren’t you curious about how you come across to other people? Many think of your rising sign as your social personality and the version of you that others see first. Weirdly, if someone is guessing your sign, they might hit upon your rising sign before your sun sign. Put it to the test!

How does it influence me?

Because your rising sign denotes which sign is on the horizon at the time of birth, it’s an indicator of how you make a first impression - your physicality and personality, your social version. This is a side of you that is unknown to you (perhaps what we see when we watch ourselves on camera) and therefore, can be fascinating (maybe a little embarrassing too). If your sun (or star) sign is your fundamental personality type and your moon sign your inner emotional, mushy core, then your rising sign reveals the façade you present to the world.

How do I work out my rising sign?

Lots of free sites will work it out for you, as long as you know your birth, date, time, and location.

Rising sign calculator

Find our your rising sign here

What does my rising sign mean?


You’re super competitive. You will argue about anything, even about whether you are actually arguing or not. Your friends avoid playing any type of game with you, but still love hanging out, because you can also be warm and funny.

What does this mean for you? Aries needs to kept occupied and entertained 24/7, because otherwise they're at risk of being banned / expelled / arrested / cancelled.


You come off like a swan - all calm and even a bit snoozy on the surface, but it’s ALL going off underneath. You love snacking, shopping, napping and staying in (eating takeaway whilst online shopping in bed is a dream combo).

What does this mean for you? You're capable of sleeping for, like, 12 hours, and can be so chilled out, you're constantly vertical.


People say they can’t tell if you like them or hate them. It’s real hard to decipher, and the answer will probably surprise them (maybe you too, because you change your mind so often). You are also super sarcastic, but damned funny.

What does this mean for you? Be careful who you're talking about, because it might just get back to them.


People are always telling you their life story and airing all kinds of hidden secrets. It’s a gift, really. You’ve just got a therapist-way about you that makes you feel safe and knowing. Yup, that empath vibe is a Cancer rising thing.

What does this mean for you? You can know everything about your friends and they can feel like they know nothing about you, possibly because you're so good at getting them to open up to you.


This is how your circle might experience you: hugs all round, decides what the group is doing and when, buys everyone dinner, shouts at people who have been mean to your friends, disappears, calls in the middle of the night with major drama, cries, disappears, returns with a gift, hugs all round… REPEAT.

What does this mean for you? People can love you and be scared of you at the same time.


You are precise, punctual, organised and sophisticated, and people like being in your soothing, predictable and calm company. You get invited to everything because you’re an ideal guest or companion. You avoid conflict and promote the benefits of a well-run plan of action.

What does this mean for you? People can sometimes feel like you offer up advice more frequently than it's asked for, so be careful not to offload your opinion all the time.


Everyone knows to never to ask you to make a decision quickly. You are the Olympic Champion of procrastination. Ever wondered why people just seem to TELL you what’s going to happen, vs asking? Yup.

What does this mean for you? People aren't ever going to ask you to plan the weekend, basically.


You project a ~do not mess with me~ vibe, but your Scorpio rising sign is actually like wearing your own psychic cloak of protection. Those that get through find out you’re all warm and cuddly underneath. But they’d better not mess.

What does this mean for you? Be careful not to make everyone think you hate them; you *can* be soft sometimes, you know.


Sometimes you run your mouth. In fact, replace ‘sometimes’ with ‘often’. You have zero filter when it comes to blurting out what you’re thinking, or what everyone else is thinking (but not saying). You get away with it because none of your outbursts are malicious (just ill-timed).

What does this mean for you? Sometimes people can take your harsh delivery the wrong way, and we all know the truth can hurt. Sorry, but maybe it's not always a good time to tell someone something to their face!


Appearances matter enormously to you, and you take great care over what you wear, say, do and project. You’re the squad analyst and sounding board. You are earnest and serious, but you have a secret wickedly dark and devilish sense of humour.

What does this mean for you? People can be jealous of you and your belongings, thanks to your impressive stash.


You’re like the wild eccentric of the squad, away with the fairies, flying in outer space, drifting through the cosmos on a vibe of imagination and blue sky thinking. You’re unpredictable and interesting, and you always stick up for others.

What does this mean for you? Your 'out there' look on life can sometimes be misunderstood, but don't let that deter you.


You are empathetic and kind, taking on the woes and troubles of everyone around you. So much so, you’re often to be found crying quietly in a corner. The world can be a cruel place for a compassionate Pisces rising. Protect yourself, my friend.

What does this mean for your personality? You're an emotional person, and that can sometimes be a lot for some people. Look after yourself.

* For more professional tarot readings, visit Kerry's TarotBella page

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