Here's What Making Your Bed Says About You, According to a Survey

Bed with green geometric bedspread and zebra pillow

Here's What Making Your Bed Says About You, According to a Survey

There are major differences between those who make their beds every morning and those who don't.

To make or not to make? That is the question—and the answer actually reveals a lot about your personality. A survey commissioned by the sleep site Sleepopolis surveyed 2,000 Americans about whether they made their bed in the morning, and we were a little surprised by the findings.

According to the results, there are quite a few contrasts between the type of people who make their bed every morning and those who don't. The individuals who make their beds every morning tend to be morning people who wake up without an alarm, and those who don't make their beds are night owls who snooze their alarms. The former group reportedly rise 16 minutes earlier, and the latter actually report a lower quality of sleep. However, the average amount of sleep recorded, which was six and a half hours, was actually the same for both groups—and less than the seven or more hours recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society.

The results also reveal that those who make their bed usually work in health and technology fields, and are described as adventurous, confident, sociable, and high maintenance. Those who don't work in business or finance, and are deemed shy, moody, curious, and sarcastic. The bed makers listen to jazz music, and prefer to watch House Hunters and romantic movies. The non-bed-makers enjoy rock music, and tend to tune into Seinfeld and comedies.

Related: Secrets to Make Your Bed Feel Like a 5-Star Hotel

There's also a difference in regards to what actually goes on between the sheets. The average nap for a bed maker lasts for 43 minutes, and siesta for those who don't make the bed is 50 minutes. The first group has sex three times a week, and the second has sex two times per week. Nearly half of those who make the bed—42%—revealed it would be a turn off if a potential partner left the sheets untucked.

It gets even better for those who prefer a tidy sleeping space. The National Sleep Foundation published a bedroom poll that found 19% of people who make their bed were more likely to get a good night's sleep. "It's not clear why this is, but perhaps there is a connection between feeling good about where you sleep and your tendency to sleep through the night," the site notes.

No matter which side you're on—as long as it's not the wrong side of the bed—either one is fine as long as it works for you.