Here's How to Do Your Makeup in a Moving Vehicle—and Still Have It Look Good

Some people use their morning commute to catch up on new episodes of their favorite podcast, while others use the time before deadlines to zone out with the help of Spotify. And then, of course, there's the crew that uses their ride to put their face on.

#CommuterBeauty is a real thing (Drew Barrymore swears by it!), but applying makeup on the go isn't exactly the easiest task, namely because the vehicle you're in is in motion. And unless you're setting up shop in your Honda Civic, you don't have access to your brushes or a mirror.

But it is possible, thanks to these easy-to-use products that only require your steady hands as tools. Keep scrolling to find out everything you need to do your makeup on a train, plane, or really any kind of automobile (just as long as you're not the one doing the driving, obviously).

VIDEO: Beauty Products That Sound Like Dessert