33 Things To Give Up for Lent That Aren’t Just Chocolate

what to give up for lent
33 Ideas for What To Give Up for Lent in 2024kevinjeon00 - Getty Images

It's easy to constantly want more and more, but sometimes it's beneficial to consider things to give up to lead to a better life instead. Lent is the perfect time to exercise your self-restraint and give up those bad habits that plague your everyday life. For Christians, the 40 days of Lent from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday before Easter Sunday is a time for voluntary abstention, symbolizing sacrifice and self-discipline. While the notion of "giving something up" may not initially seem exciting, perhaps it's all in how we perceive it. Observing Lent can be a meaningful way to cultivate positive change. Even the simplest of changes, like limiting mindless snacking or complaining, can have a positive ripple effect in all facets of your life. We've compiled 33 creative ideas to aid you in fostering self-reflection.

While the idea of Lent is pretty straightforward, the "giving up" really depends on the person. For example, it's not too hard to give up on bad habits like too much screen time or gossiping. But caffeine or chocolate? That's another story. Ree Drummond and her family observe Lent, so it's not so surprising that Ladd's favorite soda, Dr Pepper, is often on the chopping block. "He has given it up for Lent a few times, and when he goes through withdrawal, things get dicey in our house," Ree jokes. These are the habits that are a challenge to concede, and they offer an opportunity for Christians to remember the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ. Another great way to observe is by volunteering or giving something to others. Ahead, you'll find ideas for repentance so you can indulge in Easter treats in good conscience.

Staying Sedentary

If you have an office job, odds are most of your day is spent sitting hunched over a desk. And by the time the weekend rolls around, you're probably too tired to leave your bed or couch. While it's easy to give into a sedentary lifestyle, make it a goal to get your steps in or at least stand and stretch more throughout the day. You could do this by signing up for a new workout class or getting a standing desk to break up those long hours spent sitting.

things to give up for lent staying sedentary
Inside Creative House - Getty Images

Mindless Snacking

There's nothing like the satisfying crunch of chips, candies, and popcorn, especially when parked in front of the TV with a good show or at your desk while working. However, mindlessly munching on unhealthy snacks can add up in the long run and be a detriment to your overall health. Cut out this habit by serving yourself a portion of your snack of choice in a bowl rather than eating it straight out of the bag, or stick to healthy snacks like veggie sticks and hummus for when you really need that nonstop crunch.

things to give up for lent mindless snacking
Vadym Petrochenko - Getty Images


If you have an ever-growing list of tasks that you've vowed to "do tomorrow," then giving up procrastination may be difficult but rewarding for you. Instead of putting things off because you can't fathom doing them all in a day, make a small to-do list of tasks in order of easy to hard and do a few each day. Completing each task will motivate you to do the next and create new neural pathways that will eventually help you stop procrastinating once and for all.

things to give up for lent procrastination
SeventyFour - Getty Images

Leaving Dishes in the Sink

Doing the dishes can be a tedious task, and it's tempting to toss things into the sink with the promise to handle them later. But there's no better time to break the cycle than now. And you never know, it might become a lasting change, earning genuine appreciation from your family or roommates for your efforts.

what to give up for lent leaving dishes in the sink
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If your wind down time looks like scrolling on your phone while watching tv, you aren't alone. In this day and age, most everyone is used to using at least two devices, if not more, at one time. It's not an understatement that life is busy. However, engaging in multitasking implies that you're not fully dedicating 100% of your attention to any single task. So, instead of watching the latest episode of your favorite show while doing the dishes, just finish the dishes. This practice will cultivate greater mindfulness in your life.

what to give up for lent multitasking
10&apos000 Hours - Getty Images

Ordering Food

With more food delivery services than fingers on your hands, ordering takeout is easier than ever. It's also so satisfying to get your favorite foods delivered straight to your door without messing with pots, pans, and dishes. But takeout is expensive and potentially unhealthy, as you don't know what heavy oils and additives restaurants use behind the kitchen doors. Opt for cooking at home whenever you can, and when time is tight, opt for pick-up instead of delivery. Ultimately, the money saved can be directed towards something truly meaningful.

what to give up for lent ordering food
d3sign - Getty Images

Screen Time

At a time when screens are necessary to work, communicate with friends and family, and even read books, it's hard to limit the time spent staring at those backlit screens. Test your self-restraint by deleting some or all of your social media apps from your phone, and watch as your schedule opens up to a host of new activities offline.

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MoMo Productions - Getty Images


Let's face it: winding down after a long day with a cold one or a glass of wine is a comforting and easy habit, especially during the colder months of the year. But when this habit becomes more frequent, it can affect your health and mindset. Eliminating alcohol from your diet can boost your energy levels and contribute to your healthy weight loss goals.

give up for lent alcohol
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Staying Up Late

For those night owls, it's hard to resist the allure of the dark and go to bed at a reasonable hour. If it seems that even when you get into bed by 9 p.m., you stay up scrolling past midnight, challenge yourself to break that habit. Set a nightly alarm on your phone to avoid getting engrossed in a show, work, or your computer, and put that time into developing a self-care routine to help you relax instead.

give up for lent staying up late
Dougal Waters - Getty Images

Being Overly Critical

Many of us don't mean to say judgmental things, but sometimes our impulses get the best of us. When a critical thought about another person pops into your head, take a moment to ask yourself why you're thinking that. Is it because you feel uncomfortable? Will the critique help the other person or just make them feel bad? It takes effort, but practice verbal restraint for Lent.

what to give up for lent overly critical
PhotoAlto/Laurence Mouton - Getty Images


"Cut" unnecessary shortcuts out of your life during Lent. You'll be surprised to find how difficult it is to keep up. That might mean opting for the stairs over the elevator or escalator. It may mean walking instead of driving. This can also look like giving someone a call instead of texting.

what to give up for lent shortcuts
Luis Alvarez - Getty Images


Coffee and tea have some wonderful health benefits, but some of us feel like we can't survive without our daily cup of caffeine. That's because many Americans consume more than a healthy amount. If you're drinking more than one cup of coffee a day, cut down to just the morning dose or try to drop it for Lent altogether. You might feel a bit off at first, but after a few days, your body will recalibrate.

give up for lent caffeine
Yagi Studio - Getty Images


Specifically red meat. Listen, we all love a good ol' steak and fries or burger. But too much red meat isn't good for you or the environment. Take this opportunity to cut out red meat. It will make your Easter feast that much more exciting, and it could lead to a more plant-forward diet in the future.

give up for lent meat
Brian Hagiwara - Getty Images

24-Hour News

It's important to understand what's going on in the world, but it's also time to take a much-needed break from your news addiction. It doesn't matter which channel you're watching or the website you're scrolling; stop hitting that refresh button.

give up for lent 24 hour news
Veerapong Boonporn / EyeEm - Getty Images


Keep your convos grounded in the positive rather than passing along the latest exciting mishaps a friend or colleague had. Sure it's exciting to hear the latest social news, but we've all felt the burn of having our own personal life on display.

give up for lent gossip
Compassionate Eye Foundation/Gary Burchell - Getty Images

Junk Food

Salty chips, a juicy drive-thru burger, and greasy fries. These are the greatest guilty pleasures. Instead of caving to these easy cravings make a few healthy choices and go for a homemade meal where you can control the amount of salt, sugar, and oil that goes into your food.

give up for lent junk food
JOERG KOCH - Getty Images


It's important to take pride in our identities and accomplishments, but there's also a darker side to pride. It's what keeps us in an argument long after our faults have become apparent, and pride prevents us from asking for help when we need it most.

give up for lent pride
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc - Getty Images


It's time to take life in the slow lane. You can take this literally or figuratively. Slow down this Lent, and allow yourself to be more present. It will help you avoid costly tickets and more clarity to your thoughts.

give up for lent speeding
Leon Justice - Getty Images

Excessive Shopping

Online shopping has made it too easy to have our every want arrive at our door immediately. But more often than not, we don't actually need the things we buy. Become a conscious consumer and examine why you're purchasing the next hot item. If it's just filling a hole, you probably should put it back.

give up for lent excessive shopping
Thomas Barwick - Getty Images

Sweet Treats

Sugar is a necessary nutrient for our bodies—it's why we crave it. But our bodies also trick us into wanting more, because there are a lot of hidden processed sugars that are unnecessarily added to foods. Try cutting down on sweet treats before you go hunting for Easter candies.

give up for lent sugars
Peter Dazeley - Getty Images


Complaining feels good, but any parent knows it's also a total drag. Whenever you feel the urge, replace that negative energy by focusing on what you have to be grateful for in life: Family, food, and friendship are great places to start.

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Justin Paget - Getty Images


Giving up makeup for the 40 days of Lent may give you a different perspective on beauty standards and your own self-image. It's a great practice in self-love and acceptance.

give up for lent makeup
Meaghan Skinner Photography - Getty Images

Staying Indoors

The weather often begins to warm up over Lent, so it's the perfect time to quit being a winter homebody! Getting outside, specifically in greenery, has been shown to improve mental health. Plus, a daily walk can help stimulate Lenten reflection.

give up for lent staying indoors
Delmaine Donson - Getty Images

Checking the Scale

Exercise should be about improving your strength and health. So, stop checking the number on your scale and work out for yourself! You might just find that cutting the habit makes you happier.

give up for lent checking the scale
Westend61 - Getty Images


Irritability, crankiness, and annoyance are natural and often your body's way of alerting you that you need a break. Yet they're also expressed in ways that unfairly impact those around you. To curb moody feelings, try getting more sleep and eating enough throughout the day. Your friends and family will thank you.

give up for lent moodiness
Dave G Kelly - Getty Images


It's really hard to keep life organized, but we also often have just too much stuff—unnecessary stuff. This Lent, consider going through your wardrobe, desk, or craft closet and begin to donate the items you don't use frequently. Decluttering your surroundings is the first step to decluttering your mind.

give up for lent clutter
Justin Paget - Getty Images


Swearing is never a good habit, but we're all guilty of it once in a while. Lent is the perfect time to get your language in check and set a good example for the kids.

give up for lent swearing
Dimitri Otis - Getty Images


Fun fact: You don't need to be plugged in all the time! Usually, the world won't end if you don't check that work email at dinner. Try silencing your phone during family time.

give up for lent text and email
Teera Konakan - Getty Images

Negative Thinking

Unsurprisingly, negative thinking leads to negative emotions! If you're the kind of person who gets stuck in unhelpful thought patterns, try journaling what you're grateful for once a day.

give up for lent negative thinking
Westend61 - Getty Images


Pop, soda pop, soft drink, soda—it doesn't matter what you call the bubbly stuff, it's time to empty your fridge of those sweet drinks! The switch will encourage you to drink more water, something we can all benefit from.

give up for lent soda
Tacio Philip Sansonovski / EyeEm - Getty Images

Nail Biting

One bad habit that's worth it to kick? Biting your fingernails! It's small and simple, yet can make a world of difference.

give up for lent nail biting
Antonio Garcia Recena - Getty Images

Single-Use Plastic

There's no better time than now to purchase a reusable water bottle and bring your own cloth bags to the supermarket! You'll feel good about the environmentally-minded choice.

give up for lent single use plastic
Oscar Wong - Getty Images

Avoiding Reading

Reading is a muscle that requires stretching, so of course it's hard to do the longer you go without it! Take time to read a few Lent or Easter books to your children this year. Close your laptop and set your phone aside before bed, and give yourself thirty minutes of uninterrupted book time.

give up for lent avoiding reading
The Good Brigade - Getty Images

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