Here's What Hijabis Want You to Know About their Choice to Cover

Growing up half Palestinian, I've been in the company of strong, accomplished women who wear gold-embroidered, paisley-patterned scarves around their thick, dark hair for as long as I can remember. These scarves and headwraps embody everything I love about my Middle Eastern heritage. They're not just pretty, they also represent thousands of years of culture and tradition.

Each beaded embellishment carefully sewn onto the garment is not just for the viewing pleasure of others, but to ensure the wearer feels beautiful, comfortable, and fashion-forward. These scarves are just one of many variations of a hijab, a headpiece worn by Muslim women across the globe for religious reasons. I have decided to go on another path with my religious beliefs, but the versatility and creativity many of these women express when they wear their hijabs is something I admire.

Most people in the Western world associate the word "hijab" with the headpiece alone, but there's a lot more to being a hijabi than a special type of scarf. But there’s a lot more to being a hijabi than a scarf.] The term hijab literally translates to cover, and can be more accurately described as a set of codes that represent modesty, privacy, and morality. The most common form of practicing this belief is by wearing a headscarf or veil to cover one’s hair, but overall, the concept is pretty subjective and can be open to interpretation.

Though this religious headdress is worn by many Muslim-American women — about 4 out of 10, according to the Pew Research Center — the Islamophobia that rapidly took hold of our country from the early 2000s on has placed the hijab in a negative light. The Western world’s interpretation of hijabs has created mainstream assumptions that hijabi women are being “suppressed” and “desexualized.” These beliefs also put Muslim women at risk of physical harm, as many attacks against hijabi women are rooted in this same bigotry.

"It can be frustrating when someone expects me to be or think a certain way because of the way I choose to cover."

Though the fashion and beauty industries have made a small effort to showcase hijabi models such as Halima Aden in ads, major magazines, and on runways, [mainstream American society still has a lot of work to do.] The ACLU reports that discrimination against Muslim women who wear hijabs is still on the rise. That’s why we’ve tapped four Muslim hijabi women at the forefront of hijabi representation to help redirect the narrative and represent the true empowerment their hijabs bring them.

Maria Alia, 26

Model and creative consultant

<cite class="credit"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Maria Alia;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Maria Alia</a>/Instagram</cite>
Maria Alia/Instagram

ALLURE: Describe your first memory with your hijab.

MARIA ALIA: My first memory with my hijab was my first day of high school, which was also the first day I started wearing it. I was pretty nervous to return to school after the summer with it, when just three months prior I wasn't wearing it. I did get a ton of questions and a few stares, but I'll never forget this one kid, in my Algebra class, asking me if I shower with it on — classic. Little did I know, this would end up being a pretty common question moving forward.

ALLURE: What's a major misconception people have about hijabi women?

MA: The misconceptions I deal with the most with my hijab are the preconceived notions some people have about who I am, what I do, and what I don't do, based on the fact that I cover my hair. Hijab is a visible sign that means many different things to many different people, and it can be frustrating when someone expects me to be or think a certain way because of the way I choose to cover.

ALLURE: Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your hijab?

MA: My hijab is extremely personal. It symbolizes my religion as well as my culture (I'm half Palestinian). I've been wearing the hijab for over a decade, so by default, it has become a part of my identity. I went from misunderstanding it when I first chose to wear it to fully loving and owning it now.

"People always want me to overcompensate or speak on behalf of all Muslims when, in reality, it’s not my job to make them accept me, nor do I really care."

ALLURE: How does your hijab empower you?

MA: I think the most empowering thing about it is that it's my choice and it makes me comfortable.

Shahd Batal, 23


<cite class="credit"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shahd Batal;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shahd Batal</a>/Instagram</cite>
Shahd Batal/Instagram

ALLURE: Describe your first memory with your hijab.

SB: My first memories were not necessarily with the hijab, but with a headscarf [while] playing dress-up with my mother’s scarves. As a kid, I always felt so beautiful putting it on and always knew I wanted to wear it at some point.

ALLURE: What's a major misconception people have about hijabi women?

SB: It’s unfortunate when I’m having a conversation with someone who already has preconceived notions about Muslim women or the hijab. Whether it’s politics or feminism or whatever, people always want me to overcompensate or speak on behalf of all Muslims when, in reality, it’s not my job to make them accept me, nor do I really care.

ALLURE: Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your hijab?

SB: My relationship with the hijab has felt very fluid and it’s become such a huge part of who I am. Putting it on is very routine — and I’ll admit it doesn’t always feel as extraordinary as when I first put it on — but it’s a reminder to myself of strength, gentleness, manners, modesty, et cetera. I can’t even imagine everything the hijab has protected me from, but I’m very grateful for it.

ALLURE: How does your hijab empower you?

SB: It feels really powerful to demand to be heard.

Habiba Da Silva, 25

Fashion and beauty influencer, founder of Habiba Da Silva

<cite class="credit"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Habiba Da Silva;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Habiba Da Silva</a>/Instagram</cite>
Habiba Da Silva/Instagram

ALLURE: Describe your first memory with your hijab.

HS: I remember [watching] my mother wear it when I was 10, and I was so fascinated and in awe of the concept of covering in front of strange men. That's when I, against my mother's advice, decided to wear it, and have been wearing it since.

ALLURE: What's a major misconception people have about hijabi women?

HS: Some people assume that a woman in hijab is chained to her home, probably slaving after her husband, but they don't realize that we are businesswomen, we are surgeons, mathematicians, mayors. We are powerful, and the hijab doesn't deter us from reaching our dreams or goals.

"As difficult as it can be for people who are unaccustomed to the concept of the hijab to understand, it makes me feel so empowered and gives me agency."

ALLURE: Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your hijab?

HS: My relationship with my hijab has definitely been a roller-coaster ride for the past 15 years. There have been ups and downs, but it is something that has become somehow entwined with my personal identity.

ALLURE: How does your hijab empower you?

HS: As difficult as it can be for people who are unaccustomed to the concept of the hijab to understand, it makes me feel so empowered and gives me agency. I have control over who can see special parts of me.

Yasmine Simone, 21

Beauty content creator and student

<cite class="credit"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Yasmine Simone;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Yasmine Simone</a>/Instagram</cite>
Yasmine Simone/Instagram

ALLURE: Describe your first memory with your hijab.

YS: I started wearing hijab pretty young, right before I started sixth grade. Typically, a young woman isn’t obligated to wear it until she reaches puberty, but seeing my mom and aunts wearing it made me want to be like them. I was only 11, and my mom didn’t want people to think she had forced me to wear it so young — a lot of Muslim women make their children wear it at a young age, unfortunately. I assured her that I was grown up enough and that I understood what it meant.

I was about to start at a new school and I wanted a fresh start. She was still a little hesitant, but she told me that I could start wearing it. She even threw me a "scarf party" to commemorate the start of me wearing it. This is not common at all, but it was really fun and made me feel really good about myself. Looking back on that, I definitely was too young to start wearing it, but I also think that if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be the same person I am today.

"I constantly remind myself that I don't wear [my hijab] for anyone else but myself and God."

ALLURE: What's a major misconception people have about hijabi women?

YS: A lot of people ask me on social media if wearing hijab is only for Muslim women, or if it would be offensive for them to wear it because they aren’t Muslim. I always tell them that hijab is not something that is only reserved for Muslim women. There are women of all different religions that wear it. I actually encourage people to try wearing it sometimes.

ALLURE: Overall, how would you describe your relationship with your hijab?

YS: Many people know that my relationship with hijab is not perfect, I say it all the time. It can be hard sometimes, and I am not perfect. I constantly remind myself that I don't wear it for anyone else but myself and God. It’s important to do this because some people in the Muslim community can be a little judgmental mainly when it comes to hijab. Hijab does require a certain amount of discipline that isn’t always easy to execute, but I am committed, and will continue to evolve into a better person with it.

ALLURE: How does your hijab empower you?

YS: Hijab empowers me every day. Many of the Muslim women in my community and all over the world wear it and it gives me a sense of solidarity and unity. I think having three younger sisters as well as a large platform where many young girls follow me has made me a lot more conscious of my actions. I aim to inspire them to be the best they can be.

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Originally Appeared on Allure