Here's What Happens If You Eat Asparagus Every Day, According To Medical Professionals

bacon wrapped asparagus
bacon wrapped asparagus - RESTOCK images/Shutterstock

As somebody who loves asparagus and looks forward to the spring, when this delicious vegetable is in season, I'm all too familiar with what happens if you eat a lot of asparagus — did somebody say gas and bloating? It doesn't put me off enjoying asparagus though, and there are so many ways to prepare it, whether you simply sautée it, grill or roast it wrapped in parma ham, use it in a spring risotto, or add it to a frittata.

Because everyone's body reacts differently to vegetables, you might not have the same experience eating asparagus as somebody else. We're going to dive into what happens if you eat asparagus every day, looking at published medical studies and other trusted sources.

Below, you'll find some positive things that may happen if you consume asparagus regularly. We'll also look at some less positive aspects of chowing down on the green stuff on a daily basis.

Read more: 12 Vegetables And Fruits That Used To Look Very Different

Your Pee Might Smell Like Rotten Eggs, But You Might Not Notice

Rotten eggs
Rotten eggs - Ivan Marjanovic/Getty Images

You've probably heard the tale that asparagus makes your urine smell. It turns out, there's some truth in that! Asparagus contains asparagusic acid. When this breaks down, it forms sulfur-containing compounds. As we all know, sulfur is responsible for that delightful rotten egg smell.

The good news is that not everyone is bothered by the smell — some people seem to have a sort of nose-blindness to it. In fact, according to a 2016 study published in the BMJ, only 40% of people can actually pick up on the unpleasant smell of pee after eating asparagus. So you might be one of the lucky people who can eat a lot of asparagus and not notice the smell of your pee. However, that's not to say that others won't notice, and they're unlikely to mention it.

You shouldn't notice any issues if you're only consuming asparagus. To avoid the risk of stinky pee, we'd recommend not adding it to your diet every single day, just in case it causes unwanted smells.

You Could Experience Lower Cholesterol And Reduced Heart Disease Risk

foods for a healthy heart
foods for a healthy heart - Fcafotodigital/Getty Images

Asparagus is packed with potassium and anthocyanins. The latter are pigments that act as antioxidants in the body and give the vegetable its vibrant hue. Both potassium and anthocyanins could help lower cholesterol, reducing your risk of heart disease. According to a 2007 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, rats with high cholesterol demonstrated decreased cholesterol levels when fed Root of Asparagus racemosus (AR).

An increased intake of anthocyanins has also been linked to a reduction in the risk of heart attacks and heart disease, as well as lowering blood pressure. The fiber in asparagus also helps lower your LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels. It does this by binding to the bad cholesterol in the gut, helping your body to excrete it so it doesn't enter the bloodstream.

Your Blood Sugar May Be Regulated And Your Diabetes Risk May Be Reduced

Checking blood sugar
Checking blood sugar - Yellowdog Productions/Getty Images

Did you know that asparagus doesn't just taste amazing — especially roasted in the oven — but that it's also packed with antioxidants and fiber that can help regulate your blood sugar? Because fiber slows down digestion, it also means your body absorbs sugar more slowly, which can help prevent rapid blood sugar spikes, according to a 2012 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition. If these happen too often, it could lead to the development of Type 2 diabetes.

The antioxidants in asparagus can improve insulin release to help regulate blood sugar levels and also fight oxidative stress, again helping to prevent Type 2 Diabetes. It's worth noting that although the above study was carried out on rats, there have been similar studies investigating how asparagus can help in the treatment of diabetes.

When you consider that over 37 million Americans are living with diabetes , and as many as 95% of those have Type 2 diabetes, it's easy to see why scientists are looking into the health benefits of asparagus. It's potentially a food that could help regulate blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes, so good news all around.

Bowel Movements May Be More Regular

Woman on toilet
Woman on toilet - Hitoshi Nishimura/Getty Images

All that fiber packed into every asparagus stalk can also help to regulate bowel movements. Asparagus is high in insoluble fiber, which encourages regular bowel movements and adds bulk to stool.

It also contains plenty of soluble fiber. This type of fiber dissolves and forms a gel-like substance that helps food move through the digestive tract. Soluble fiber also helps to feed friendly gut bacteria like Lactobacillus.

The only problem with all that fiber is that it might not be great news for anybody with gut issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Though not eating enough fiber could lead to abdominal pain and constipation in those with IBS or IBD, eating too much fiber can also be bad news, causing diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence, as well as abdominal pain. The key is balance, so eating asparagus occasionally and in moderation should reduce your risk of any issues.

You Might Have Digestive Issues

Woman with stomach pain
Woman with stomach pain - Laylabird/Getty Images

You know how we just mentioned all that fiber is great news for your gut? Unfortunately, it could also cause digestive issues. Half a cup of cooked asparagus (around 90g) packs around 1.8 grams of fiber, or around 7% of your daily needs. We already spoke about soluble and insoluble fiber — but what effect does all that fiber have on your digestion?

It could cause gas and bloating, though the side effects probably won't be as severe as those experienced when eating cabbage or beans. If you're prone to bloating and gas from eating vegetables such as cabbage or cauliflower, though, you might want to avoid consuming asparagus every day of the week.

Asparagus is also classed as a high FODMAP food. For those with IBS, these foods can trigger symptoms. Asparagus contains fructans and fructose, two types of FODMAPs. You can eat asparagus in moderation without worrying about this, though, as a high FODMAP serving of the vegetable is considered to be five spears.

Your Blood Pressure Could Lower

Blood pressure cuff
Blood pressure cuff - Chris Ryan/Getty Images

Some more good news — eating asparagus regularly could help lower your blood pressure, reducing your risk of stroke. That's because asparagus is loaded with potassium, containing 6% of the RDI per 90g serving. Potassium helps the body to excrete excess salt in urine and also relaxes blood vessel walls, lowering your blood pressure. Potassium also plays a role in the regular function of nerves and muscles.

Asparagus also contains asparagine. Its diuretic effect — helping our bodies excrete excess salt and water — can lower blood pressure, according to PubChem.

One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry looked at the effects of a diet containing 5% asparagus in rats with high blood pressure, compared to a regular diet without asparagus, over a period of 10 weeks. The rats on the asparagus diet showed 17% lower blood pressure than the rats who didn't consume asparagus. While these results are interesting and show the potential of asparagus in lowering blood pressure, more studies still need to be carried out in humans.

You Might Also Have A Reduced Risk Of Neurological Disease

Brain disease
Brain disease - Ciphotos/Getty Images

Remember earlier we mentioned the Anthocyanins found in asparagus? It turns out, they're not just good news for your heart — they can also help improve and protect brain function. Studies have shown that anthocyanins can reduce neuroinflammation, which is responsible for the progression of several neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease.

Another study published in the European Journal of Nutrition showed that drinking cherry juice daily improved speech and memory in participants aged 70 and over with mild or moderate dementia, due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of the anthocyanins.

A study carried out in 2021 revealed that consuming anthocyanins significantly improves working spatial memory, which can decline with age. When 18-month-old rats were fed anthocyanin supplements over a six-week period, their spatial memory was enhanced.

All this means that consuming asparagus could help reduce your risk of neurological disease as you get older. You'll also find anthocyanins in other fruits and vegetables too, such as blueberries and strawberries.

You Might Feel Less Hungover

Man taking hangover cure
Man taking hangover cure - Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

After a heavy night out, most of us will try almost anything to feel more human, including the definitely-not-recommended hair of the dog. What if there was a healthier remedy?

Though we hope you're not feeling hungover every day, eating more asparagus could help alleviate feelings of a hangover after a few too many beverages. According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Food Science, asparagus may protect the liver from toxins and help ease hangover symptoms such as headache and fatigue.

The only bad news? You might not feel like eating asparagus when you're hungover. However, you could always grill or oven-bake it and add it to your eggs for breakfast. Or you could take a supplement of asparagus extract to alleviate your symptoms. We bet it'll make you feel better than a greasy breakfast, sugary soda, or hair of the dog will.

Your Kidney Stones Or Gout Might Get Worse

Man with kidney stone pain
Man with kidney stone pain - Supersizer/Getty Images

It's not all great news for asparagus lovers. If you suffer from kidney stones or gout, you might want to limit your consumption of asparagus, as it's high in purines. These compounds increase the production of uric acid in the body, which could lead to kidney stones or gout, or exacerbate either of these conditions if you've been previously diagnosed. If you've been advised to reduce your level of purines, you might want to eat asparagus less often or avoid it altogether.

If you do decide to have asparagus, try to prepare it without using too much salt. Reducing your salt intake and drinking more water can help reduce your risk of developing kidney stones. Other foods high in purines include anchovies, sardines, mussels, and bacon. It's wise to limit your consumption of these foods if you have been diagnosed with or are at risk of gout or kidney stones.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.