Here's How to Grow Alocasia Azlanii Like a Pro

<p>Firn / Getty Images</p>

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Finding the extraordinary jewel Alocasia, Alocasia azlanii, for your indoor garden could lead to an intense treasure hunt. Brilliant foliage and easy care make this unique elephant ear variety one of the most coveted indoor tropicals.

Propagated as a houseplant just since 2016, it features iridescent foliage with contrasting veins in greens, reds, deep purples, and salmon pinks. Although it's fully hardy in USDA zones 7 to 11, alocasia azlanii is most often kept indoors. It is toxic to people and pets.

Common Name

Red Mambo, Jewel Alocasia

Botanical Name

Alocasia azlanii



Plant Type

Subtropical perennial

Mature Size

12 inches tall

Sun Exposure

Bright, indirect

Soil Type


Soil pH

6.1 to 6.5

Hardiness Zones

USDA 7 to 11

Native Areas

Subtropical Asia, Eastern Australia


Toxic to people and pets

Alocasia Azlanii Care

This brilliant specimen is a highlight for any houseplant collection and despite its reputation as a rare plant, caring for alocasia azlanii is fairly straightforward.

  • Provide bright, indirect light but avoid locations that receive direct sunlight.

  • Use a light, well-draining potting medium for healthy roots.

  • Water weekly and fertilize monthly during the growing season.

  • Mist or set plant on a pebble tray to increase humidity above normal household level.


Alocasia likes bright, indirect light. Some morning light is beneficial but too much exposure to direct sunlight washes out leaf color and can cause browning along the edges. A bright room with lots of windows or close to an east-facing window are choice locations.


A mix of one part coconut husk and two parts perlite provides an adequate potting medium. Roots need good air circulation so the goal is soil that drains well but holds some moisture. Plants perform best in soil with a balanced pH.


Alocasia azlanii is a water-loving plant, so a once-weekly watering is usually adequate. Check your plant twice weekly and water more often, if needed, whenever the top 2 inches of soil get dry.

Both underwatering and overwatering lead to problems like leaf damage and root rot. Let all excess drain off and reduce watering frequency when your plant is dormant.

Temperature and Humidity

Alocasia azlanii adapts easily to average household temperatures between 65°F and 75°F. It handles a wider range than some others but does not perform well below 50°F.

Try for high humidity levels of around 60 percent, misting regularly, or adding a pebble tray or small humidifier. Inadequate moisture in the air causes stunting and stresses this tropical plant.


This alocasia is a heavy feeder, so fertilize monthly throughout the growing season with a balanced houseplant formula diluted to half strength. Discontinue feeding during winter months when the plant goes dormant, resuming at first signs of new growth in spring.

Types of Alocasia

Alocasia azlanii is a single species of the genus. Consider these additional alocasia species for their unique and showy foliage.


Remove spent foliage at the base of the stem with a sterile cutting tool. Do this on a regular basis to encourage new growth as old leaves die back. It's more a matter of keeping your plant looking good than pruning for shape or size.

Propagating Alocasia Azlanii

This jewel alocasia can be difficult to find, so learning to propagate it is a worthwhile endeavor. New plants develop from offsets (pups), division is an option, and you can also start with seed.

Propagate with offsets and by division in spring or summer when plants are actively growing. Gather together potting mix, small pots, and sterile cutting tool and follow these steps.

Propagate Offshoots

Alocasia azlanii produces offsets under the soil. They resemble clumps of small tubers and can be removed when top growth reaches about 3 inches tall.

  1. Remove the plant from its pot and shake off excess soil.

  2. Locate a clump of offsets with established roots. Use your hands or cutting tool to pull apart or remove clumps from the mother plant.

  3. Fill a 4- to 6-inch pot with loose, well-draining potting mix.

  4. Set offset clumps in pots with the roots down and fill in with potting medium, covering the tubers with 2- to 4-inches of soil.

  5. Water well and place in a spot to receive bright, indirect light.

  6. Keep soil evenly moist and look for new top growth in one to two weeks. New plants are identical to the original.


Removing and potting large offsets with good root systems is the quickest way to propagate alocasia azlanii. Offsets with underdeveloped roots can be placed in room temperature water until roots are sufficient or can be left to grow in water almost indefinitely provided water is refreshed regularly.

Propagate by Division

  1. Remove the plant from its pot and shake off excess soil.

  2. Locate the main rhizome for the mother plant.

  3. Use a sharp knife to carefully cut the rhizome in half keeping as many roots as possible with each half.

  4. Replant the rhizomes in pots with a well-draining, loose potting medium at the same level as in the original pot.

  5. Water well and place in a location to receive bright indirect light.

  6. Keep divisions moist to discourage transplant shock.

How to Grow Alocasia Azlanii From Seed

Starting with seed can take up to 90 days for seedlings to appear, but seeds might be more readily available than nursery-grown plants. Sow in autumn following these steps:

  1. Fill a pot with a well-draining potting medium. Several seeds can be planted in larger pots.

  2. Plant seeds 1/4- to 1/2 inch deep, covering lightly with soil mix.

  3. Spray the soil surface with distilled water to moisten it and cover it with a plastic bag or dome.

  4. Place the pot on a heating mat in a spot that receives bright indirect light.

  5. Keep the soil surface moist and remove plastic for an hour every few days to allow for air circulation.

  6. Remove plastic completely when seeds sprout.

  7. Once seedlings are 2 inches tall they can be potted up.

Potting and Repotting Alocasia Azlanii

The best pots for alocasia azlanii are plastic, fiberglass, or glazed clay which retain the moisture these plants require. Plan to repot every two years into a pot 2- to 4-inches larger. Use a professional potting mix amended with perlite, moss, sand, or coconut coir.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Alocasia azlanii is vulnerable to houseplant pests including scale, aphids, and mealybugs, but spider mites are the biggest nuisance. Lightly sprinkle the leaves with a warm, diluted soap solution or apply neem oil in case of infestation.

Improper watering can result in spotting and discoloration on leaves indicating fungal or bacterial infection. Prevention is the best cure so water and mist early in the day to allow foliage to dry before nightfall.

Common Problems with Alocasia Azlanii

Alocasia azlanii is not plagued by too many problems once you establish a good maintenance routine. Problems that do crop up are usually caused by watering errors, low humidity, or overexposure to direct sunlight.

Drooping, Yellow Leaves

Insufficient humidity and underwatering can cause young leaves to droop, turn yellow, and drop. Increase watering frequency whenever the top 2 inches of soil become dry and add a pebble tray or small humidifier.

Washed Out Color, Brown Edges

Alocasia azlanii can take a little morning sunlight but too much direct light causes sunburn. If your plant show signs of overexposure move it to a location with filtered, indirect light.

Leaf Spots, Root Rot

This tropical thrives in a moist environment but overwatering can lead to root rot and loss. Keep a regular watering schedule and provide good air circulation. If soil stays soggy you may need to repot with fresh potting material.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my alocasia azlanii green?

New leaves appear green with purple, red, or black veins. Color saturation deepens and brightens as plants mature and leaves slowly unfurl. If mature foliage remains green, try placing the plant in an east-facing window to receive morning light.

How big do alocasia azlanii get?

Although it can grow quite large in its native outdoor environment, alocasia azlanii is most often grown as a houseplant reaching a height of about 12 inches.

Why are the leaves on my alocasia azlanii turning brown?

Your plant may be overexposed to direct sunlight or is not getting enough water. Try moving it to a spot that receives filtered or indirect bright light for most of the day. Water whenever the top 2 inches of soil get dry.

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Read the original article on The Spruce.