Here's Every 'Big Brother' Contestant Who Has Quit or Been Ejected from the Game

Across nearly 25 years, over 850 people have played the game of Big Brother. And, statistically speaking, it's only natural that not everyone eliminated in the show's history is done through the typical eviction vote. Indeed, in the tapestry of Big Brother, five houseguests have been removed from the game for various rule infractions, while five others have elected to quit the game and leave the house.

Here are all the Big Brother contestants who have quit or been ejected from the house so far.

Big Brother ejections

Justin Sebik (season 2)

<p>Courtesy of CBS</p>

Courtesy of CBS

Season 2 of Big Brother in 2001 changed things up to the format we see now, with a Head of Household nominating two fellow houseguests for eviction. But its first elimination in this new era was far from conventional. Investment operations associate Justin Sebik was removed from the game in the fourth episode of the season for threatening others "with violence and physical intimidation." The final straw came when, after kissing fellow houseguest Krista Stegall in the kitchen, Justin held a large kitchen knife to her throat and asked, "Would you get mad if I killed you?" He was immediately removed from the house, and is the reason why the house has only usually contained one (or in some seasons, none) sharp blade.

Scott Weintraub (season 4)

<p>Courtesy of CBS</p>

Courtesy of CBS

Similar to season 2, season 4's first boot was an ejection. This time it was Scott Weintraub, who had a series of frightening breakdowns after it was revealed that he would be playing alongside his ex-fiancee Amanda Craig. After talking consistently in private and public about his desire to get back together with her, her subsequent nomination caused him to melt down. In the fourth episode, he began throwing chairs and furniture around to "blow off a little bit of steam," which scared the other houseguests. After initially refusing to go into the Diary Room at the request of producers, he held a public meeting where he apologized to everyone for his behavior. He was met with remarks that the house might "be the worst place" for him, and they were uncomfortable with his presence. He was removed shortly thereafter.

Chima Simone (season 11)

<p>Courtesy of CBS</p>

Courtesy of CBS

Chima Simone's ejection comes by far the latest out of any of these on this list. After over 40 days in the Big Brother house, the freelance journalist had been on thin ice with production after ignoring requests to go to the Diary Room and put on her mic, and even covering a bedroom camera at one point. The last straw came when a surprise "coup d'etat" power overthrew her Head of Household reign and led to the boot of her closest ally Jessie Godderz. While practicing for an upcoming Veto competition, a fed-up Chima threw her body mic in the hot tub, then refused to wear a new one or go to the Diary Room. It got to the point where executive Allison Grodner had to come over the loudspeaker to ask to speak with Chima, at which point she was promptly escorted outside of the house. As she explained later to the other houseguests, "It was very clear Chima did not want to follow the rules of the game. Tonight, she made the decision to willfully destroy her microphone, a piece of production equipment, that you all are very much aware is a big violation. For this reason, and because of multiple rule violations, she needed to be expelled."

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Willie Hantz (season 14)

<p>Courtesy of CBS</p>

Courtesy of CBS

Willie Hantz came into Big Brother 14 with a claim to fame, being the brother of Survivor two-time finalist Russell Hantz. But he quickly made a name for himself as a hotheaded player, having gotten into a handful of fights during the first week as Head of Household. Shortly after his reign expired, he started a physical altercation with Joe Arvin, coming after the chef after he made a passerby comment to him. The tankerman shoved Joe, which Joe later claimed was a headbutt. Production came over the loudspeakers to separate the two men, and Willie was soon called into the DR to be removed. Once again, Allison Grodner had to come on and make a statement to the other houseguests, saying, "As you all know, violence is not tolerated in the Big Brother house, so Willie has been removed from the game."

Luke Valentine (season 25)

<p>Sonja Flemming/CBS</p>

Sonja Flemming/CBS

It was more than a decade before the most recent instance of a Big Brother ejection happened. Once again in Week 1, illustrator Luke Valentine was talking to three of his fellow houseguests when he said, "We're in the [expletive] cheese room, [N-word]." Though Luke tried to cover immediately, it was clear he had uttered a racial slur. The next day, he was removed from the house, with the other houseguests given the message, "Due to violating the Big Brother code of conduct by using a racial slur, Luke has been removed from the house and will no longer be participating in the Big Brother game." Said code of conduct recently instituted a no-tolerance policy for hate speech following internet speculation of Memphis Garrett saying the same slur three seasons before.

Big Brother self-eliminations

Neil Garcia (season 9)

<p>Courtesy of CBS</p>

Courtesy of CBS

Big Brother's first contestant who walked didn't happen until nearly a decade on the air. Realtor Neil Garcia was the first to depart the wintertime "Til Death Do Us Part" season, choosing to walk from the show on Day 13. The reasons behind why he suddenly left continue to be one of the show's biggest mysteries. Fans allege that he walked due to finding out a relative of his had died in the 2008 Northern Illinois University shooting, but that has yet to be proven.

Dick Donato (season 13)

<p>Courtesy of CBS</p>

Courtesy of CBS

Dick Donato came into season 13 as a previous winner, and one of the biggest villains to ever play Big Brother. The season 8 victor played once again alongside his daughter Daniele Donato, paired together as part of the season's opening twist. However, six days in, he was called into the Diary Room, only to never come out. It was later announced to the houseguests, "Due to an urgent personal matter, Dick had to unexpectedly leave the Big Brother game." Dick revealed in 2014 that his sudden departure came as a result of the producers finding out through blood test that he was HIV-positive and forced to leave as a result.

Related: Meet the Full Cast of Big Brother 25

Megan Lowder (season 19)

<p>Courtesy of CBS</p>

Courtesy of CBS

Dog walker Megan Lowder's departure was just one part of the immense amount of chaos that was Big Brother 19's first week. She was at the receiving end of one of the season's first conflicts, as eventual winner Josh Martinez called her a "snake" and  a "bully" on the first night. After being nominated for eviction, Megan mistakenly overheard Jessica Graf make a comment about Alex Ow. Thinking that Jessica had called Alex, who is of Asian descent, "panda," she told Alex what she thought was said. It culminated in a blow-up between the three women, with Megan eventually going to the Diary Room and never returning. After leaving the house, Megan revealed that her conflict with Josh triggered PTSD from a prior sexual assault while serving in the Navy. And her argument with Alex and Jessica caused her to have a panic attack that required her to be hospitalized, after which she chose to leave the game permanently.

Chris Kattan (Celebrity Big Brother season 3)

Celebrity Big Brother has seen some stars ask to be voted out for various reasons. But through three seasons, the only person to depart without being evicted was Chris Kattan. The Saturday Night Live star was clearly struggling through 17 days in the house, to the point where he actually tried (and failed) to get himself evicted over Mirau Nagasu. It finally got to a point where he chose to leave the game. Talking with after his departure, he said, "I want to be clear; it was about my family. I missed my family; I missed my loved ones. And there was a family thing going on. My stepfather's not doing so well. And the fact that I couldn't communicate with them was difficult."

Paloma Aguilar (season 24)

<p>Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS</p>

Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Big Brother's most recent self-eviction is arguably its most dramatic. Interior designer Paloma Aguilar was put in danger on the very first night, but that didn't stop her from becoming the most active player in the first week of season 24. She immediately formed a women's alliance, and led the house to ostracize and turn on Taylor Hale. And while she was able to successfully get the eventual winner of the season backdoored, Paloma's mental state was clearly starting to deteriorate as the days went on. Hampered by mounting anxiety and lack of sleep, she would go on extended rants about how she's already figured out a way to win the game and a plan to split the prize money with her allies. After eight days, Paloma entered the Diary Room and never returned. After returning to the outside world, she posted on Instagram, "I left because of an ongoing mental health battle I faced which began once inside the walls of an idealistic utopia of a reality set. A reality that was far from the reality of my San Diego life.”

Next, here's everything you need to know about the current season of Big Brother.