Here's Your Chance to Be the Mayor of 'Bacon City, USA'


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Not long ago, bacon was the most hype-worthy food out there — inspiring weird products, getting top billing on fast food menus, and taking over entire restaurants. Granted, bacon has lost a little bit of its sizzle, but the crispy pork product will always have its fans — and now, one bacon brand wants to try to crown someone as the ultimate bacon lover with the title of Mayor of Bacon City, USA.

In honor of its 100-year anniversary, the meat producer Wright Brand has convinced its hometown of Vernon, Texas, to rename itself as Bacon City for the weekend of September 16 and 17. As part of the celebration, Wright will also select one lucky winner to not only be appointed as "mayor," but to receive a VIP trip to the festivities along with a lifetime supply of bacon.

Anyone can enter the contest until the end of the month, July 31, by submitting a one-minute video showcasing "your unique qualifications." "Consider submitting a bacon ballad, a sizzling dance, a bacon-wrapped rap or a poem or another performance that captures your love for bacon," Wright explains. "The more creative the video, the greater the chance of securing the title."

And as an added bonus for the social media adverse, you don't even have to post your video anywhere with hashtags and mentions. Simply go to the Mayor of Bacon City website and send your clip, along with all of your info, directly to Wright Brand. Just maybe check the official rules to make sure your video fits all the eligibility criteria first. (There are a lot of little rules to follow.)

One winner will be chosen by a panel of Wright Brand-selected judges, which the rules state will be selected based on "Relevance to Theme/authentic tie to bacon (25 percent), Originality (25 percent), Creativity (25 percent), Video Quality (25 percent)."

The grand prize winner will receive a two-night trip to Vernon for the weekend, including flights, hotel, a rental car, and $600 spending money, along with "Sponsor specified experiences."  And, yes, the lifetime supply of bacon.

But what exactly is a lifetime supply of bacon? Wright Brand says it will be awarded in the form of a check for $11,000… so time for some math. A pound-and-a-half pack of Wright Bacon currently costs $9.98 at Vernon, Texas's Walmart. So that's about 1,100 packs of bacon. Assuming the average person has about 40 years left to live, that brings us to about 27 packs of bacon a year — or a pack of bacon every two weeks.

Is that really a lifetime supply? Well, hard to say, but if you eat your bacon much faster than that, you may not make it 40 years, so the whole thing probably balances out.