Since Aliens Are Apparently Real, Here's What AI Thinks They Look Like

1.Mercury has no atmosphere, which means during the day, the planet gets extremely hot, and at night, the temperature can get very, very cold. AI thinks an alien that could handle these extremes would look like this:

The alien is the size of a houseplant, with large eyes and lots of tendrils extending outward from its face
The alien is the size of a houseplant, with large eyes and lots of tendrils extending outward from its face

2.Our moon is covered in craters and has a very thin atmosphere. The moon rotates synchronously, meaning the same half of it is usually dark and cold, while the other side is warm and sunny. AI thinks an alien that could live in these conditions would look like this:

The alien essentially looks like a giant spider, one that's roughly half the size of a crater
The alien essentially looks like a giant spider, one that's roughly half the size of a crater

3.Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, filled with dense clouds and large volcanoes. With the AI taking this into account, it thinks an organism on Venus would look like this:

The alien resembles a tiny dinosaur that looks like lava, with pustules on its head
The alien resembles a tiny dinosaur that looks like lava, with pustules on its head

4.Being 30 times farther from the sun than the Earth is, Neptune is an ice planet with supersonic winds. AI thinks an organism able to withstand these conditions would look like this:

This alien resembles a gigantic ice-covered jellyfish that floats in the sky
This alien resembles a gigantic ice-covered jellyfish that floats in the sky

5.Uranus is made up of hydrogen and helium and trace amounts of water. AI thinks an organism that could live under these conditions would look like this:

The alien is a humanoid with blue, wrinkled skin
The alien is a humanoid with blue, wrinkled skin

6.We know Saturn has strong gravity and high winds. With its three layers of clouds, the AI thinks an organism that could call Saturn home would look like this:

This alien is a humanoid with plating that covers its nose and extends over its eyes and around its ears, essentially making it appear like it has a built-in helmet
This alien is a humanoid with plating that covers its nose and extends over its eyes and around its ears, essentially making it appear like it has a built-in helmet

7.Mars has dry, rocky terrain and frequent dust storms. Knowing what we know about Mars, the AI thinks this organism could live there:

This alien is so small it could fit in your hand; it resembles a human brain with six legs and two tiny arms
This alien is so small it could fit in your hand; it resembles a human brain with six legs and two tiny arms

8.Jupiter is a gas giant with violent storms and high atmospheric pressure. NASA says it's too volatile for organisms to adapt to, which is great because IDK what kind of sentient being this is, but it makes me never want to go to Jupiter:

This alien resembles an angry yeti the size of a cloud in the sky
This alien resembles an angry yeti the size of a cloud in the sky

9.Pluto is extremely cold, so cold that the water on the surface is rock-like. AI thinks a lifeform that could live in these conditions would look like this:

This alien is a humanoid with a relatively normal-looking face, but then the rest of its head and body are covered in crystals that resembles cracked ice
This alien is a humanoid with a relatively normal-looking face, but then the rest of its head and body are covered in crystals that resembles cracked ice

10.Black holes are spaces of very tightly packed matter. AI thinks a being that lives in an environment like that looks like this:

An angry-looking alien with scaly plating in place of muscle
An angry-looking alien with scaly plating in place of muscle

11.Comets are made from icy gasses, frozen chunks, and dust particles. AI thinks an alien that could survive in these conditions looks like this:

This alien is very large and very hairy, with three legs and eyes that look like googly eyes
This alien is very large and very hairy, with three legs and eyes that look like googly eyes

12.Asteroids are covered in dust and are regularly minus-100ºF. AI thinks an alien that could live in these conditions would look like this:

This alien resembles a jellyfish with a transparent shell around
This alien resembles a jellyfish with a transparent shell around

13.Finally, the AI thinks the sun's molten surface is home to this alien, who I undoubtedly want to become best friends with.

A tiny alien that looks like a dragon and is wearing sunglasses
A tiny alien that looks like a dragon and is wearing sunglasses

Which alien is your favorite? Tell us in the comments below!