Here's The Absolute Best Way To Store Radishes

Spring radishes in colander
Spring radishes in colander - FcaFotoDigital/Getty Images

Fresh, in-season radishes are delicious. Radishes can last for 10 to 14 days in the fridge, which gives you plenty of time to enjoy their spicy, peppery flavor. The downside is that they tend to soften and lose their crispness over time. They can also develop a spongy texture due to moisture loss. And while they may still be edible, they simply won't taste the same.

One solution is to put them in plastic bags in the crisper drawer. Better yet, punch a few holes in the bag for sufficient airflow. Not only will this practice keep them moist, but it can also prevent bacteria and mold growth. Make sure you cut the greens beforehand, as they can draw moisture and nutrients away from your radishes. Eat them right away or store them separately in the refrigerator for up to three days. That's right — radish greens are totally edible and can be used in a multitude of dishes, from salads and grain bowls to curries.

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How To Store Radishes To Keep Them Crisp

Refrigerated radishes in plastic bag
Refrigerated radishes in plastic bag - Alex Verrone/Shutterstock

Keeping your radishes fresh couldn't be easier. First, cut their leaves and place them on a cutting board in a bowl. Some people also trim off the root tails for more efficient storage, but that's a matter of personal preference. Next, wash the radishes under cold water, and then pat them dry with a kitchen towel.

Once they are fully dry, put them in perforated produce bags. Store the radishes in the refrigerator at 32 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. The lower the storage temperature, the longer your radishes will last. But since a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit may cause some foods to freeze, it's safer to set your fridge to 35 to 40 degrees. If you plan to use the radish greens, too, store them separately in the refrigerator.

As a general rule, keep the humidity level around 95% to 100% to prevent your radishes from drying out. Check on them every few days, and discard those that show signs of spoilage. If they begin to soften, submerge them in cold water for 30 to 60 minutes to rehydrate them. You'll also want to try this simple potato hack for fixing limp veggies.

Radishes Store Best In The Refrigerator

Different varieties of radish
Different varieties of radish - EpixImages/Shutterstock

Freezing radishes is an option, too, but it can affect their texture, color, and flavor. Raw radishes are over 95% water and, once frozen, the water will expand and rupture their cell walls, resulting in a mushy mess upon thawing. If you still want to go this route, blanch your radishes before freezing them.

Start by cutting them into small pieces, and then cook them in boiling water for two to three minutes. After that, submerge them in ice-cold water. Pat them dry, place them in plastic bags, and freeze them for several months.

When you're ready to use the radishes, thaw them in the refrigerator. Since they may not taste great in salads or other raw dishes, it's best to roast, sauté, or grill them. Another option is to use them in soups, dips, stir-fries, or stews for a mildly spicy kick.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.