In Her Upcoming Book, Marie Kondo Reveals How to Find a Job That Sparks Joy

And of course, she has tons of advice on tidying up your workspace.

If you've read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up from cover to cover, and have created the piles of clothing and learned the proper T-shirt folding technique to prove it, we have good news for you. Marie Kondo is currently working on a new book called Joy at Work, available for pre-order on Amazon and set to release on April 7, 2020. In typical KonMari fashion, the book will tackle the challenge of maintaining an exceptionally organized workspace, whether you have a home office or a cubicle. Time to start shredding those papers and clearing out your Rolodex—the organizing guru's new book is sure to inspire office makeovers around the world.

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Teaming up with organizational psychologist and Rice University professor Scott Sonenshein, Marie Kondo will address not only how to create a tidy workspace, but also the psychological effects of your workspace. In an Instagram post teasing the upcoming title, Kondo provides a peek at the cover of the book, along with a hint at what we'll find inside. "In 'Joy at Work,' you will learn practical tips for maintaining a tidy workspace, but also life-changing advice on finding a career that sparks joy for you," she writes. Not only is Kondo dishing out decluttering tips, but also some potentially life-changing career advice.

In an earlier Instagram post about the book, Kondo revealed a little more info: "This book offers stories, studies and strategies to help you eliminate clutter and make space for work that really matters." A combination of actionable organizing advice and the studies that prove their impact, we have a feeling the new book will make us reconsider that three-foot-tall paper pile on our desks.

According to the description on Amazon, the book will focus on both physical and psychological clutter at work. "The workplace is a magnet for clutter and mess. Who hasn't felt drained by wasteful meetings, disorganized papers, endless emails, and unnecessary tasks?" Kondo and Sonenshein will cut through these obstacles that "slowly drain the joy from work." If Marie Kondo has finally found a solution to the meeting that could have been an email, we are all ears! Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until April 2020 to learn more, but in the meantime, we'll be busy prepping our paper shredders and dreaming about finally reaching Inbox Zero.