Help: Can I Wear Black Shoes with Navy Pants?

We’ll be wearing white long after Labor Day, mixing our metals and doubling up on the denim, thank you very much. But grandmotherly judgement runs deep, and we are continually fielding this fashion question: Can you wear black shoes with navy pants? 

The short answer? Yes!

The old-school notion that black and navy don’t mix is a total myth. Here’s why.

Think about an all-black or all-navy ensemble: While it might read chic on paper, it can come across a little blah in real life. You’re just an amorphous blob of darkness, adrift in the universe. People are bumping into you because they think you’re a shadow.

But by breaking up the monochrome, whether it’s with accessories or, in this case, shoes, you add instant interest and dimension to your look. 

So instead of going full-on monochromatic—or running out to buy a pair of navy shoes—try pairing the two dark hues. Navy wool pants and black sneakers? Check. Navy midi skirt and black boots? Yes, please. It’s just as fashion-forward (if not more so), with the added benefit of being way more playful and way less boring.

Another day, another fashion myth busted.

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