This Site Will Help You Find Your Perfect Rescue-Dog Match

Photo credit: Nataba - Getty Images
Photo credit: Nataba - Getty Images

From House Beautiful

Adopting a pet is an incredibly rewarding experience, but finding the perfect match can be a challenge, especially when it comes to picking one based on your lifestyle, personality, and specific preferences. Luckily, there’s How I Met My Dog—a unique website dedicated to custom matching individuals with the canine of their dreams.

“We’re changing the culture of how people choose their dogs so they can live with their dogs [and] keep them,” HIMMD's chief dog expert Jodi Anderson told USA Today. “Don’t do it because it’s a chihuahua. Do it because that chihuahua belongs with you.”

Unlike a dating website, HIMMD aims to find a forever home for each pet matched, achieved through a series of questions. After creating an account, aspiring dog owners are asked important questions about their pet parenting style, where they live, how often they exercise, and overall social schedule. HIMMD then shares the matches that are available nearby, but if you’re not ready to adopt just yet, you can still sign up and wait for the one to pop up on the growing database.

Currently, HIMMD is partnered with shelters in 13 different states, and is hoping to expand into more locations over the next year. Since its launch in 2017, more than 1,000 dogs have been successfully adopted through the dog matching website.

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