Here’s How You Can Help Hurricane Dorian Survivors in the Bahamas

Photo credit: Jose Jimenez - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jose Jimenez - Getty Images

From Veranda

Hurricane Dorian, a category 5 storm when it made landfall in the Bahamas on Sunday, is one of the strongest Atlantic Ocean storms on record. It stalled out for two days over the Abacos Islands and Grand Bahama Island, causing widespread damage.

Relief efforts are currently focused on search and rescue, food and water delivery, and emergency health needs; rebuilding efforts will require significant aid and long-term support.

Members of the design community, many with ties to the region, are supporting relief work. Here's more information on what they're doing, and how you can add to their efforts:

Amanda Lindroth, of interior design firm and island-style retail brand Lindroth Design, is supporting Bahamian organization HeadKnowles. Founded in the wake of Hurricanes Joaquin in 2015 and Matthew in 2016 byLia Head and Gina Knowles, the group is working with various organizations in Florida and other islands to collect and deliver donations and supplies.

Island style expert and entrepreneur India Hicks, who lives on Harbour Island in the Bahamas, is also supporting HeadKnowles. "Making a donation here, however small, will make the world of difference over there," she said on Instagram.

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Today in the newly formed community center here on Harbour Island (@brilandgreenschool )I saw a little group of volunteers sort donated clothing and gifted goods into old suitcases, ready for their journey across the sea by fishing boats, to the northern islands. The islands who were not brushed by Hurricane Dorain as we were, but who were brutally assaulted by Dorian. . In Florida another remarkable friend (@sidneytorresiv) was in a gigantic warehouse, organizing several thousand pre-packed, non-perishable food parcels to be sent out in cargo planes. No matter how big or small the effort, no matter how grand or humble the offering we must come together to help make the Bahamas strong again. There is a remarkable foundation - HeadKnowles- who come with hurricane experience, have teams on the ground ready to be mobilized and can account for every dollar donated. If you were thinking of making a donation you might want to consider the options they offer - *Two drops off locations in Florida (Amazon deliveries accepted), *GoFundMe account, *or through the link in my profile, that takes you to the One Eleuthera Foundation, which offers 501 3-C status for tax deductions - simply mark your gift ‘HeadKnowles Hurricane Dorian’ . Let's help the utterly devastated islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. Let's ease their hurt, lift their hearts and point them towards a new horizon. 🇧🇸 #hurricanedorian .

A post shared by India Hicks (@indiahicksstyle) on Sep 3, 2019 at 7:31pm PDT

And Trish Becker, jewelry designer and serial renovator on Harbour Island, shared this moving post urging those who wish to help to donate to HeadKnowles as well.

Florida-based interior designer Andrew Howard is matching donations to Hurricane Relief for Elbow Cay – Hope Town Relief.

Chassity Evans, the Charleston, SC-based author of lifestyle blog LookLingerLove, is donating 100% of the rental revenue from her home on Harbour Island, @coralhouseharborisland.

Several other organizations are mobilizing efforts on the ground in the Bahamas. Here's more information on what they're doing, and how you can help support their work:

Yacht Aid Global is working with yachts in the area to coordinate the delivery of supplies like food, tarps, hygiene kits, and medicine as part of its Operation Topaz. The organization is also supporting local search and rescue efforts by bringing in disaster recovery and assistance teams.

World Central Kitchen, Chef Jose Andres’ NGO that activates mobile kitchens in disaster areas, has set up operations in Nassau and is delivering food to the Abacos and Grand Bahama. The group also has teams ready to activate along the southeastern United States as the storm moves up the coast.

Global Empowerment Mission distributes basic necessities like food, water, clothing, hygiene products to impoverished peoples and disaster areas. During crises, GEM mobilizes groups of volunteer emergency first responders to hard hit areas. Donations to GEM’s #bstrong mission in the Bahamas support flights and barge transports of supplies to the islands with the most devastation.

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