Your HelloGiggles horoscope, December 22nd - December 28th: Take cover—things are shaking up this week

Happy holidays, everyone! This astro weather is interesting for this season, as some defiant debates will occur during some holiday dinners. The energy is very Aquarian, so a lot of people will be asserting their individuality in the face of conformity and tradition, too. Don’t be surprised if you notice strong shifts happening when it comes to politics, the corporate world, and individual values. The powerful total solar eclipse that’s happening on Christmas will surely shake things up.

Let’s dive in and take a look at your weekly horoscope—and don’t forget to check your rising sign, if you know it!


Expect your holiday season to be filled with imassioned debates. While you can decide to engage in these conversations, do note that you’re probably not going to have a good time if you spend your time trying to impose your views onto others. This week, your lesson is to learn how to agree to disagree.


You could be feeling a little sad this week, Taurus. While you’d much rather be light and bubbly, you might feel a little serious and somber. If this is the case, come as you are! Perhaps it’s not sadness you feel, but emotional depth. As an earth sign, you like simplicity and efficiency, but sometimes emotions decide otherwise. Either way, express yourself, and you’ll find that your emotions will leave as fast as they came.


You’re going to be focused on one-on-one relationships this week, Gemini. While you might receive some blessing when it comes to people you’re associated with, you may finally get that miracle you’ve been waiting for. But if your miracle doesn’t show up just yet, don’t lose faith.


You could be hesitating between two paths this week, Cancer. And this indecision could be keeping you stuck in analysis paralysis. Don’t second-guess yourself—the decision resides within you. Find out what your gut is trying to tell you and let go of that monkey mind by plunging straight into your feelings.


You could experience a few family conflicts this week, Leo. Perhaps you’re butting heads with someone and not letting go of a minor misunderstanding. Or perhaps, this could be the perfect opportunity to rebuild strong foundations with your family members by having mutual understanding and communication.


This week is all about family for you, Virgo. You’re going to be spending a lot of time at home and/or with your family, and most likely taking care of all the details. However, you’re advised to let go of your old, outdated ways. Perhaps this time with your family will allow you to find exactly what it is that no longer resonates with you anymore, and what parts of yourself you want to fully embrace.


Hold your horses, Libra. You could be having a case of foot-in-mouth syndrome this week, even though this is so unlike you. And even though you may feel the need to speak your mind and truth, do it with grace and be mindful of not using words as weapons of mass destruction.


You may be trying to juggle your work, family time, and social life this week, but it could be incredibly difficult for you. Your lesson for the week is to learn how to prioritize. Can this assignment wait? If so, let it sit for a week and attend to it when it becomes more urgent. You don’t have to do it all and you’ll feel much less pressure by prioritizing things as needed.


Be mindful of your health this week, Sagittarius. You could be feeling depleted and your immune system could be lower than usual. Be sure to eat healthy foods and take your vitamins. It’s possible you could just now be recovering from an illness or setback, so take the time to rest your body and mind—we all need a little time out sometimes.


Happy birthday, Caps! You’re shining bright this week and everyone can see it. Now is a good time to expand and manifest your desires, so you can make your plans comes to life. Also, because this week is one of abundance and pleasure, you could feel particularly generous and receive generosity as well. It’s just all smooth sailing for you—enjoy this time!


You’re looking gorgeous, Aquarius, whether you could be feeling in love or having more financial abundance than usual. However, do note that you could be spending money faster than you’re making, so keep an eye on your finances, especially since you’re compelled to make bold choices, like going on a spontaneous trip or picking an entirely new path. Either way, go big or go home!


You could be feeling lonely this week, Pisces. Remember: You can ask your friends or community this week for help, and you don’t have to do everything on your own. While you may be aware that there’s help available for you, you might just be too focused on some things to see it.

For more astrology from me, check out my weekly forecasts!