Hello, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Is Here

two hands are placed over a tarot card spread over a full moon
Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac SignHearst Owned

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


the tarot card the two of wands, showing two golden keys over a pink sky and a diamond
Hearst Owned

Pause this week and review your schedule, to-do list, and priorities. I'm not saying anything is wrong, I’m just saying that the Two of Wands always asks us to check in on what we’re doing. This card can signal that not everything on your plate is as urgent as you might think. Some stuff has gotten off to a bumpy start, or perhaps the timing is off. Some stuff might be happening simply out of habit. Take a look at your plans with fresh eyes. Make some tweaks and adjustments, let some items fall of the agenda, and scale back. Less is more.


the tarot card the page of swords, showing a hand holding out a golden pen in front of a diamond
Hearst Owned

Go for it, Aries. The Page of Swords asks you to commit to whatever you’ve been considering around recently. You've gone back and forth long enough. Now, it’s time to go for it and see what happens. Don’t delay or make excuses. Say "yes" and give it your best shot, whether this is a relationship, a role, or an ambition. You're getting the green light!


six of wands tarot card
Hearst Owned

Celebrate! You've done so well and come so far. You deserve to reward yourself for a job well done. Be kind and notice the trials and tribulations of others, too. Compliment people who deserve it. Be conscious of the successes all around you and celebrate them alongside your own. You can't have enough of this good energy!


the tarot card the tower, showing a hand holding up three golden boxes with eyes in them
Hearst Owned

Whatever unfolds this week, know that it’s all for a (damn good) reason, and Future You will be happy this has happened. The Tower hints that some stuff might go a little awry. Don’t despair or get down about it. Make the best of it, extract a life lesson, and try again. You are being set up for something bigger, better, and even more rewarding. Don’t give up; keep going.


five of swords tarot card
Hearst Owned

When you’re in the middle of the storm, the only thing to do is to keep going. And the Five of Swords urges you to do just that in any and all conflicts you find yourself in. Don’t get lost in the drama… just keep moving forwards, trying to reach a resolution. Take each new day as a new opportunity, and by the end of this week, your issues will be done with.


five of pentacles tarot card
Hearst Owned

Don’t be sad, Leo. The Five of Pentacles signals that you are grieving or regretting something from your past. It’s something that is long gone now, anyway, and there’s nothing you can do to change what happened. So why dwell on it? Why pick at this scab when you could let it heal? Talk to others if you feel these sorrowful emotions arise and release your feelings. Don’t stay stuck in this mood.


the tarot card the eight of wands, showing eight golden keys floating in the sky over a moon
Hearst Owned

You have lots of things to do, people to talk to, ideas to share, and information to consider this week, Virgo. The Eight of Wands is a communication card, which is great for you because you’re ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. And with Mercury in Capricorn right now, maybe your work world needs some networking magic! Talk to your colleagues, mentors, old bosses, new contacts, and people who are doing jobs you’d like to do too. Reach out and see what happens.


the tarot card the emperor, showing half of a person's face in the sky with a diamond and a picture frame behind them
Hearst Owned

Examine the power dynamics in your closest relationships this week, Libra. The Emperor suggests that you might be missing something when it comes to the way that someone manipulates or controls you. This is a powerful person, and you are a diplomatic, charming people-pleaser. They might have mistaken your tact for weakness, and they might be taking advantage of you. Look at this closely. Spot the signs. Take steps to resist falling into this pattern. Bite back!


the ace of wands tarot card, showing a black and white hand holding up a golden key over a full moon
Hearst Owned

Start a new hobby this week, Scorpio. Choose something fun, inspiring, and authentically you. The Ace of Wands is linked to education, travel, lifestyle regimes, and creativity. So focus on those areas of life. Let your imagination wander, find some ideas, research them, and get one of them started. You are ready for a new activity.


page of cups tarot card
Hearst Owned

The Page of Cups sprinkles glitter over your life this week. Get ready for some good luck. Look for omens, signs, and messages. Be open to mystical insight. Take time to do thigns that make you feel at peace. Read your tarot cards, meditate, gaze at the Moon, charge your crystals—you get the picture.


the tarot card the nine of swords, showing nine golden pens over a diamond
Hearst Owned

Don’t bottle your feelings up, Capricorn. Find a friend and talk about it! The Nine of Swords shows that you are hiding how you really feel about something you’re worried will happen in the future. Most of this is just projection, the result of catastrophizing and overthinking. When you say it all out loud, in real life, it will all mostly fade to nothing. It’s just fear. And whatever remains can be addressed this week. You've got this.


knight of swords tarot card
Hearst Owned

You're a lot like the Knight of Swords: Forthright, direct, assertive, and brave. You say it how it is, and you confront problems head-on. Those traits will be needed this week because you need to take charge and make things happen. I think you enjoy these kinds of phases, Aquarius. You like to take control, so do it!


the tarot card strength, showing an eye on a full moon and a pair of lips upside down on a diamond, both in a starry sky
Hearst Owned

Strength reveals that you've been going through hell, and now you're emerging stronger than ever. You're ready to put yourself first! Pisces, you've toughened up this year, and it’s not a bad thing. You are so kind and caring that people can take advantage of your trusting nature. Not any more! You are ready to defend yourself.

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