Hello, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Is Here

two hands are placed over a tarot card spread over a full moon
Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac SignHearst Owned

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


the tarot card the eight of pentacles, showing eight golden clocks in a line between two hands
Hearst Owned

Use this week to really finish off those things that have hung around all year and you don’t want dragging over into 2023. Get as much off your plate as you can so you can begin the new year with a clean slate. Tackle all those leftover tasks, unfinished business, and tedious bits on your to-do list. And if they no longer matter or seem that urgent, well, maybe just let them go. It’s all about making a concerted effort to wrap up whatever you can before next year. The Eight of Coins is a ‘completer finisher’ and that’s the energy for this final week of 2022…then, go party and celebrate!


the tarot card the page of pentacles, showing a golden clock and two eyes over a diamond and a starry sky
Hearst Owned

It’s time to mull over what education you’d like to draw into your world in the coming year ahead, Aries. The Page of Pentacles is the tarot’s student, and is always looking for self-improvement opportunities. Where could you really learn something new? What skills would you like to adopt? What talents could you refine? What information would help you a lot? What understanding might make life easier? Whether the answers concern work or play, make a list of what you’d like to get schooled on next and where and how to make that happen—break it down into quarters across 2023, and then schedule your efforts.


five of wands
Hearst Owned

Finish the year by taking stock of what has been difficult, draining, stressful, ambiguous, or hard to pin down in 2022. The point is not to rehash the pain, but to notice the areas where change or attention is needed. Five of Wands brings a little nudge to look closer at the tough times from the past year—there might be lessons and insights that could be really useful in 2023. Use those challenges to help shape your plans and ideas: what do you want to tackle, avoid, change, and release, Taurus?


eight of swords
Hearst Owned

Don’t project your own expectations or flaws onto others this week, Gem. (Yes, YOU!) We all do this. We all dislike in others what are actually weaknesses within ourselves. Notice where, when, and with whom you fall into nitpicking mode. The Eight of Swords is a projection card—so try to step outside of yourself and ask why it’s happening. If you can break this spell, you will find other people so much nicer. Plus, you won’t prematurely hate someone before they’ve even done anything wrong!


the tarot card the magician, showing a hand reaching down to touch a star shaped diamond
Hearst Owned

The Magician is a beautiful card that’s all about fulfilling your potential. So, maybe this is the nudge toward living your best damn life in 2023 that you didn’t know you needed! What untapped talent, skill, dream, strength, or idea have you yet to really focus on and give your all? Now is the week to identify it, clarify it, and research how you can draw it forth and make something of it in 2023. June and September could be great milestone months for you, Cancer, so look into your activation plan! This could be a game-changing year where you start to make a living from what you do best and love most.


the tarot card the king of swords, showing a golden pen in front of a collage of a star shaped diamond, a full moon, and a circular map
Hearst Owned

Be rational, calm, composed and future-focused this week. Enjoy yourself, by all means! But keep a logical and dispassionate eye on certain events, and make sure you’re still doing things which help build prosperity, health and happiness for tomorrow, versus sacrificing anything for your future self because you’re having too much fun in the moment. Just be careful not to overdo it, or to do anything you may later regret. Hold your tongue, give them the benefit of the doubt, let it slide, turn away and focus on you, not them. The King of Swords is a shrewd, worldly, and wise player who knows there’s always another day awaiting us.


three of cups
Hearst Owned

Party like it’s 1999, Virgo! The Three of Cups casts off stress at work, that endless to-do list, and any commitments and worries—this card is about simply enjoying today to the fullest. Live each day this week like it’s your last (not in a sad way, promise!) so that you’re hyper-aware of every opportunity, interaction, piece of good news, and potential moment to help someone else. Lean in and live every moment as fully and joyously as possible. I guarantee this could go down as your best week of 2022!


the tarot card death, showing crying eyes in a golden picture frame
Hearst Owned

You won’t feel like you do now by the time next week rolls around, so hang in there. Something important and fundamental is shifting within, and it’s leading you to a new, refreshed outlook on yourself and your life—this will then lead to changes in decisions, behaviors, and actions. Death is a powerfully transformative card. You’re going through something, Libra, and it’s vital that you let it all flow, release what doesn’t serve you, and welcome in what does. This is a positive chapter in your life story—a significant turning point. Embrace it.


the temperance tarot card showing two hands above an eye, two diamonds, and a full moon
Hearst Owned

Moderation, balance and temperance are not typically values we associate with the holidays, but they are important qualities for you right now, Scorpio. I f you can keep everything even-keeled this week, then you’re doing great—you’re ahead of the rest of us! The Temperance card shows you’re trying to stick to a new regimen of some sort—a way of doing things that’s based on keeping you healthy, grounded, and strong. Don’t throw your hard work out the window; stay on track, commit to a plan and stick to it, and you’ll enjoy all the positive benefits.


knight of swords tarot card
Hearst Owned

This week is all about being proactive, not reactive, so be the doer! Make your demands heard, ask for what you need, share your ideas and desires, create space for things you want to do, take time out, get some alone time, and be a bit selfish if need be. The Knight of Swords prioritizes himself above all else. You can’t help others if you’re not in a good place yourself: You are a giver, a crowd pleaser, a go-with-the-flow type, and this can mean you end up playing a supporting role in other people’s dramas. Not this week, Sag. Cue the main character energy! Figure out your must-haves and make them happen.


the five of cups tarot card
Hearst Owned

Sometimes the holidays can bring back an echo of grief, regret, or sadness. We miss people; we miss old times. We remember how it felt to be a kid. Sometimes the grieving Five of Cups card creates tearful moments. That’s okay. Cry. Get it out. Say a prayer. Mourn your loved ones who won’t see this holiday season. Whatever you need to process the feelings, do it—then wipe your eyes and carry on. This, too, shall pass. You will all be reunited one day; enjoy your life while you have it. Honor your past and your loved ones who are no longer here, but also live your life well in their memory.


the tarot card the knight of cups, showing a hand holding a golden goblet
Hearst Owned

Make room for romance and love life action this week, Aquarius, whether you’re single and on the prowl, attached, or happily solo (in which case, date yourself this week!). The Knight of Cups brings a sweep-you-off-your-feet kind of vibe, so expect passion and chemistry headed your way. Organize a magical date night. Share your feelings. Ask someone out. Flirt. Compliment people. Enjoy your own company too! Pamper yourself like the precious person you are. Remember, how you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you, too.


the moon tarot card showing a hand holding out a full moon
Hearst Owned

This week will rank as a v. important one of 2022, Pisces, because you’ll receive many revelations, about yourself and about others. The Moon represents hidden knowledge, gossip, illusion, and secrets. Things will emerge that surprise you. People will tell you secrets (what’s new…). New information will arise that changes how you feel or think about something on your plate. Pause on any big decisions this week—instead, wait until all of the important intel headed your way has come to light.

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