Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope for the End of Gemini Season Is Here

Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope for the End of Gemini Season Is Here

Feeling the clash of stability and change? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square helps you preserve what needs to be stabilized and change what needs to be transformed. Jupiter enters its retrograde in Pisces on Sunday, giving us time to review the life lessons. The Sun enters Cancer that same day, kicking off summer with themes like home, family, and emotional safety!

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Who’s your ride or die, Aries? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square provides some helpful breakthroughs on your friendships. On Sunday, Jupiter retrogrades in your Pisces-ruled closure sector, helping you lovingly release limiting habits, people, and behaviors. Cancer season starts on Sunday, connecting you with all the people and places that feel like home!


Career change, Taurus? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square helps you take inspired action on your professional dreams. On Sunday, Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-governed friendship zone, reuniting you with friends from the past for support. Cancer season begins on Sunday, helping your fluency in communication.


Happy Birthday, Gem! Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square gives you the faith to let go so the universe can manifest new things for you. Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-ruled career sector on Sunday, giving you the chance to move slowly and apply wisdom to your work life! Cancer season begins on Sunday, grounding you in safety, embodiment, and your values.


No fair-weather friends, Cancer! Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square helps you see which friends support you and share your values. Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-ruled wisdom zone on Sunday, giving you education and new experiences. Cancer season begins on Sunday, starting your new year; may all your birthday wishes (and more!) come true!


Romance is a technique, Leo! Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square shows how you and partners put in the work to make your relationships work. Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-ruled intimacy zone beginning on Sunday, illuminating truths on sex and commitment. Cancer season also begins on Sunday, giving you a month of renewal, completion, and healing from the past.


Don't forget the details, Virgo! Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square wants you to zoom out and zoom in at the same time. Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-ruled romance zone on Sunday, bringing up issues from the past for healing in the present. Cancer season begins on Sunday, and you’ll be clocking out of work, reuniting with your friends, and beginning the summer on a social note!


Confidence looks so good on you, Libra! Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square helps you claim more confidence and change your sexual experiences. Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-ruled wellness zone on Sunday; experiment with routine and ritual for wellbeing. Cancer season begins on Sunday, and your ambitions, motivations and professional dreams will take shape!


What does “trust” mean to you, Scorpio? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square helps you open up to the people who make you feel emotionally safe. Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-ruled self-esteem zone on Sunday, so cultivate habits that protect authenticity and joy. Cancer season begins on Sunday, helping you travel, discover, and gather new vision for new behavior!

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What about the details, Sag? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square helps you focus and concentrate on the micro details for macro success. Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled home/family safety zone on Sunday, reframing your relationship to belonging. Cancer season begins on Sunday, too, starting the summer with sexual passion, intimacy, and transformation.


Is it safe to self-disclose, Cap? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square wants you to reveal an inner existential detail with security and bravery. Jupiter will retrograde in your Pisces-ruled language zone on Sunday, so stay curious and communicate in ambiguity. Cancer season begins on Sunday, kicking off your most romantic time of year with opposites-attract chemistry!


What are your emotional needs, Aquarius? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square helps you communicate what you need to feel emotionally safe. Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled finance zone on Sunday, helping you heal emotional pain around money. Cancer season also begins on Sunday, giving you extra ambition to work on your wellbeing!


Closure through communication, Pisces? Monday’s Saturn-Uranus square wants you to heal in dialogue, not suffer in monologue. Jupiter will retrograde in Pisces on Sunday, helping you internalize key wisdom and review the lessons for application. Cancer season also begins on Sunday, and you’ll be feeling braver to engage in risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure.

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