Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Photo credit: katie buckleitner
Photo credit: katie buckleitner

Overview: What’s your truth? The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on Monday helps us experience, understand, and speak the truth. On Wednesday, remember to practice your values under the Mars-Neptune conjunction. Gemini season begins on Friday and lasts until June 21, putting curiosity and meaningful conversation in our relationships.


Keep it real, Aries! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio inspires you to share a big truth for both authenticity and pleasure’s sake. Be brave and vulnerable! Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction helps you break a habit with faith, hope, and vision. Gemini season begins on Friday and helps you reframe your relationship to mindfulness, listening, and language.


Decide, don’t slide, Taurus! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio wants you decide whether or not you want to move forward in a relationship. If you’re single, decide whether or not you’re ready and willing to be in one. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction helps you reunite with your friends. Gemini season begins on Friday and inspires you to boost your financial literacy and security.


Start small, Gemini! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio wants you to take a small step towards healthier, more mindful habits that strengthen your wellbeing. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction gives you the confidence and creativity you need to make a dream come true. Then Gemini season begins on Friday—I hope that all your birthday wishes come true!


Vulnerability is your super-strength, Cancer! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio wants you be brave in the emotion around risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure. You got this! Wednesday's Mars-Neptune conjunction expands your vision which transforms your behavior. Gemini season begins on Friday and inspires a month long sabbatical for healing and self-care.


Happy homecoming, Leo? Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio wants to connect you to the people, places, and experiences that provide you with emotional safety, home, and belonging. Wednesday's Mars-Neptune conjunction wants you to own your wanting! Gemini season’s start on Friday inspires you to reconnect and reunite with your closest friends for mutual support.


Use your words, Virgo! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio helps you give language to your interior world in a way that ensures you’re seen and understood carefully. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction wants you to balance your needs with the needs of others. Gemini season’s start on Friday begins your most ambitious and professionally successful chapter!


Listen to your body, Libra! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio wants you to connect to the natural wisdom, messaging, safety, and peace of embodiment. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction helps you to notice other people notice the small details about you. Gemini season’s start on Friday inspires you to be even more open-hearted and vulnerable!


Begin again, Scorpio! Monday’s lunar eclipse is in your sign and you’re receiving helpful transformation—both internally and through external events—that's here to empower you and your relationships. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction helps you regulate habits that complicate confidence. Gemini season’s start on Friday inspires more curiosity and communication around sex and intimacy!


Time for closure, Sag. Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio helps you release yourself from habits, patterns, and relationships that don’t serve your highest potential. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction inspires you to name your emotions as you’re feeling them. Gemini season’s start on Friday puts opposites attract style chemistry in the air and makes this month very romantic!


Stand alone or stand with, Capricorn? Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio has you holding the balance between belonging to friends/community and belonging to self. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction increases your fluency in nonverbal communication.
Gemini season begins on Friday and inspires a deeper commitment to personal development.


Rise and shine, Aquarius! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio is in your career zone, and your professional world is about to be up-leveled as you apply authenticity and leadership. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction helps you stay grounded and centered. Gemini season starts on Friday and you’ll be feeling more confident, creative, and excited!


Think again, Pisces! Monday’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio helps you review a decision so you can change your mind, apply new wisdom, and move closer to freedom. Wednesday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction offers you a new beginning and more spaciousness. Gemini season’s start on Friday inspires you to cultivate greater emotional intelligence and the communication to name what you’re feeling as you feel it!

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