Hello, your sex and love horoscope for the week ahead is here

Your sex and love horoscope for the weekendHearst Owned

What’s happening: There’s a cazimi Mercury today, a common but important conjunction of the Sun and the planet of communication. In English: this a great day to start important conversations with your partner. The Sun and Mercury both square off with Pluto over the rest of the weekend, however, so the longer you wait to start these important talks, the more emotional and intense you feel about them.

On Sunday, Venus harmonises with lucky Jupiter, making it a day where you can experience an abundance of love, and at the same time, Mercury slides into mysterious Scorpio and harmonises with Saturn, the planet of patience and structure.

Scorpio season begins on Monday (yay!) and then on Tuesday, the Sun has a gentle connection with Saturn, encouraging moderation. So, yeah… there’s a lot happening, and you're still feeling the energy from the eclipse last week, too.

What that means for your star sign


There’s a high chance that you and your person will become official soon! Or if you’re already in a locked down relationship, odds are you’ll take the ~next step~ together, whatever that means for you. The thing is, relationships aren’t all fun and games 100% of the time. To take this relationship where you want it to go, you have to be serious some of the time. Scorpio season is a time for intimacy and closeness, which is great for strengthening a relationship, but if you’re single and just hooking up, you run the risk of catching feelings, fast.


You’re staying uber busy this weekend, with hardly any time to focus on romance until Sunday. The Venus/Jupiter trine is absolutely stellar for your love life, especially in the bedroom. Whether you’re married to the LOYL or just fooling around with a fling, you’re experiencing some mind-blowing sex right now. Scorpio season helps you to settle into a nice routine with your relationships, too. If you're ready to define the relationship, it’s about time to shoot your shot!


This weekend is great for all of you single Geminis out there! The cazimi Mercury makes your natural charisma even more powerful, and people are absolutely eating you up. Finding someone to fool around with is a breeze right now. If romance is your thing, wait until Sunday before asking anyone out or trying to define the relationship. Just a heads up — a new potential lover can easily come around this weekend, but it looks like it’s an ex flame hitting you up, not a new face.


Pluto’s involvement with this weekend’s astro weather suggests you’re reaching a critical moment in your love life. You’re feeling all the feelings, and major conversations and experiences are happening between you and your s/o. If things are going poorly, this could be the weekend you break up for good. But here’s the good news: Venus is helping you come out of your shell this week, and Scorpio season is one of the best months for your love life. Romance is more meaningful, and sex is more erotic. Put yourself out there this week — people are waiting to experience all you have to offer!


Tonight’s the night to shoot your shot, Leo! If you’ve been dating someone for a while, now’s the time to make it official. If you’ve been thinking about proposing or giving your partner a key to your place, now’s the time to start that talk. There’s not a lot of sexy astro-weather in your chart right now, but this is a great time for relationship building and romance. That means catching feelings for a rando hookup is super likely, and there’s no guarantee they’ll feel the same way. Take it slow!


Venus in your sign is helping you out by turning you into a total babe magnet, and you’re noticing that there are a lot of potential lovers hitting you up. Just because you can get with someone doesn’t mean you should, Virgo. Take the time to peruse your options and find your best match instead of settling for the first hottie to hit you up. If you want to turn your hookup or date into a serious partner, this is a good time to get the ball rolling. It’s not time to define the relationship or anything quite yet, but you should defs start thinking about how you want to start that conversation — it’s coming up soon!


If you have something to say, tonight’s cazimi Mercury is your time to say it! There’s a very clear next step in your love life that you’ve been avoiding. That might be an upgrade to your relationship status, or it might be breaking up with someone who’s been a crappy partner for a while. Venus in Virgo all but guarantees you’re not making much progress in your love life, but this weekend is your one chance to make a change. Your words carry immense power this weekend, Libra, so think before you speak.


Libra season’s been a real dud for you this year, but now that Scorpio season is starting, you’re noticing that you’re getting way more action! That could be as simple as getting more matches on the dating apps, or it could be your partner treating you really great in bed. On the romantic front, Saturn’s involvement with your horoscope makes this a great time to start important conversations about the future with your partner.


For all you single Sags out there, you’re having loads of luck when it comes to getting lucky tonight! Hookups are hot, intense, and fast right now — but it’s all but promised that none of your flings are interested in pursuing anything more, so do your best to avoid catching feelings. If you’re ready to upgrade your relationship status, wait until Venus and Jupiter start mingling on Sunday. This has super romantic potential and is great for defining the relationship. Scorpio season is a bit of a bummer for your sign and it begins on Monday. Watch out for exes!


Your partner is waiting for you to start The Talk, Capricorn. They want to take the next step, but you seem perfectly comfortable where you are right now. Instead of avoiding the subject, bring it up this weekend and share where you're at. Things get way more fun on Sunday, and it’s a great time to get a little ~kinky~! Scorpio season’s vibe helps Capricorns be more extroverted, so if you’re single, you can expect to link up with some new potential lovers soon.


You have a propensity to avoid emotions. As an air sign, you’re more of a “thinker” than a “feeler.” Well, that’s changing now! This weekend, Venus is adding a much more emotional, intimate vibe to your relationships, and you simply can’t ignore them anymore. This is a good time to say the “L” word for the first time, or just get extra romantic with your partner. Sex has the potential to be much more intense, erotic, and sensual if you’re able to be vulnerable. Instead of putting up walls and avoiding those feelings, embrace them!


There’s a lack of balance in your relationship, Pisces. Someone is giving it their all, but the other person can’t show up nearly as much. Maybe one person is way more emotionally invested. Maybe someone is just sticking around for the sex, not the romance. Arguments are more frequent and small disagreements easily snowball into major problems, and that’s because the two of you aren’t on the same page. You need to hash it all out and decide what the future holds for you and your s/o.

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