Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

Your Sex Horoscope for the WeekendHearst Owned

What’s happening: Tonight, tonight, Venus forms a sextile dreamy Neptune, and the Moon is in Scorpio all weekend. Tomorrow, Mercury is sextile Mars, making you feel more motivated. On Tuesday, there’s a lot happening. First, Venus enters Gemini, then it immediately forms a gentle aspect with Pluto, the planet of power and transformation. After that, the Sun meets up with Jupiter, the planet of luck and growth, in Aries.

What that means for you:


If you’re already dating someone, this is a great weekend for spending time with them (in and out of bed). If you’re totally single, don’t expect much to happen, though. But that changes on Tuesday, when Venus enters fun-loving Gemini, encouraging you to get up, go out, and find someone sexy! In fact, Venus in Gemini is one of the best transits for meeting new people, so take advantage of its good vibes this week.


All of the astro this weekend is tilting the odds in your favor. The Scorpio Moon activates your chart’s relationships zone, Mercury in your sign makes you more charismatic, and Venus in your sign makes people very attracted to you. The cards are basically all in your hand right now, Taurus. If there was ever a perfect time to put yourself out there and shoot your shot, it’s 100% this weekend.


Expect a slow weekend, Gemini. There’s just not a whole lot going on for your love life, unfortunately. But here’s the good news: On Tuesday, Venus enters your sign, making you look good, feel great, give your love life a glow up! If you’re looking for love, Tuesday is the perfect day to go out. Plus, Jupiter is making you luckier when it comes to, well, getting lucky, so things are almost certainly going to go your way!


This weekend is full of romance! Dreamy Neptune’s influence makes you more emotional (in a good way!) and more eager to make deep, meaningful connections with others. Like I said, this is super romantic, but it’s also great for hooking up if that’s your thing—just watch out, because you’re way more likely to catch feelings. Tuesday’s astro is a little sketchy: Keep an eye out for your ex.


This is a great weekend for tying the knot, so if you happened to plan a wedding for this weekend, the stars are in your favor! “Tying the knot” isn’t just marriage, though—this is also a good time to propose, give your boo a key to your place, or DTR! For all y’all single Leos out there, you’re going to start running into way more potential paramours once Venus enters Gemini on Tuesday. Enjoy!


There’s a ton of relationship-building potential in the stars this weekend, and Neptune's influence makes tonight super-romantic, so it’s a great time to ask out a crush or surprise your special someone with a nice date night. This is also a great weekend to try something (or someone) new in your love life—any sort of variety to spice things up! All that being said, if you’re just looking for a hookup right now, you’re not likely to find much luck.


These past few weeks, you’ve been taking your relationships more seriously, but it’s time to switch things up a little and focus on fun! Venus enters Gemini and harmonizes with Pluto on Tuesday, which can bring a huge jumpstart to your love life, especially if you’re single. More people are drawn to you now, and you’re becoming attracted to a variety of people, even those who aren’t your usual type. Try new things! Meet new people! Visit new places! Let your love life become an adventure this week.


The stars are giving you the green light! If you’ve been thinking about DTRing or popping the question, this is the weekend to do it. The vibe is very lovey-dovey, but once Venus enters Gemini on Tuesday, you start to get more serious about your love life. Hookups and flings don’t really cut it right now—you want something real. Superficiality is out and intimacy is in!


Your love life has been moving slowly (if at all) the past few weeks, and this weekend is no exception. Once this week begins, however, you really hit the pedal to the metal and your love life starts accelerating! Tuesday’s your luckiest day this week, and there’s a chance that you could find new love: Venus is lighting up your chart’s relationships zone, and the Sun running into lucky Jupiter is activating your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun. You’re almost guaranteed to give your love life a major glow up soon!


Sex feels way hotter this weekend. Every touch is more sensual, every minute with your partner feels more erotic, and it’s the perfect time to experience true ~intimacy~. In fact, there’s a lot of romantic astro-weather going on this weekend, and you can connect emotionally with your partner, too. Once Venus enters Gemini on Tuesday, however, your love life has to take the backseat for a while. Don’t expect much action.


With Pluto freshly in your sign, you’re being given a lot of power right now—especially on Tuesday, when Venus connects with Pluto. You’re taking the reins right now, Aquarius, and what you say goes, for the most part. If you’re interested in someone, you have the motivation to connect with them, and your mysterious vibe makes them very intrigued by you. Here’s the thing—you can’t force your way to get what you want. Remember to respect the other person’s boundaries, and you can make major moves in your love life right now.


You’ve had a lovely past couple of weeks making new connections thanks to Venus in Taurus, but this is the last weekend you have to enjoy the good vibes. Friday and Saturday both have pretty lovely astro that encourages meeting your next potential paramour. But when Venus enters Gemini on Tuesday, you need to make a decision—which one of these new people do you like the most? Who do you want to build a relationship with? Take a look at your options and mull it over. You’ll need to make this decision soon!

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