Hello, your horoscope for the week ahead is here

Your horoscope for the week of 31st JulyHearst Owned

Overview: the quality of your collaborations determines the quality of your results! Tuesday’s Full Moon in Aquarius reminds us that our wellbeing is determined by our relationships of all kinds: friends, lovers, and both. When we can connect meaningfully together, we can accomplish so much for all. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition helps us find the routines and spiritual practices that give us healing and health. A fiery Aries Moon this weekend turns up the heat and empowers us to be more active, passionate, and direct about our desires.

What that means for your star sign


Longing for community, Aries? Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled friendship zone wants to change your relationship to community and mutual reliance. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition helps you take a small step to integrate changes. The weekend shines just for you when the Moon enters Aries and lights you up!


Hoping for a career change, Taurus? Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled career zone inspires you to make choices in the service of leadership, rewarding risks, and maybe even self-employment. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition helps you find belonging through more authenticity. This weekend’s Aries Moon inspires rest, recharge, and healing reflection.


Bon voyage, Gemini! Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled expansion zone takes you to new spaces that expand your thinking in big, positive ways. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition helps you find that delicate work-life balance with a bit more ease. This weekend’s Aries Moon is a social, lively one, so reconnect with your friends!


What’s your truth, Cancer? Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled intimacy zone helps you find sexual satisfaction through more active truth-telling to people who need to know. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition empowers you to hold the big and small pictures to see a situation more clearly. This weekend’s Aries Moon is an ambitious, productive one — so get it all done.


Happy birthday, Leo! Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled romance zone invites a new relationship, deepens the dynamics of one you’re in, and/or completes a connection that has served its purpose in your life. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition empowers you to live into your values in a way that provides more integrity. This weekend’s Aries Moon is an adventure waiting to happen, so enjoy!


Small goals only, Virgo! Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled wellbeing zone reminds you that the path to achieving your goal is through small, slow steps that help you move gradually towards success. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition helps you find mutuality between your desires and the desires of others. This weekend’s Aries Moon is an erotic one, so pursue pleasure for pleasure's sake!


What’s the story in your heart, Libra? Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled courage zone wants you to share substantial feelings, desires, hopes, and/or fears with someone who needs to know. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition liberates you from a low-level habit with a bit of discipline. This weekend’s romantic Aries Moon helps you connect to your opposite!


What is “home” to you, Scorpio? Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled belonging zone helps you find the people and places that provide you with a greater sense of emotional safety and belonging. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition wants you to lead your friends to new thinking. This weekend’s Aries Moon inspires you to cross things off your to-do list, especially if it pertains to your own admin tasks!


Balance speaking AND listening, Sag! Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled communication zone helps you leverage language through listening and careful word choice. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition reminds you that your emotions are professionally instructive. This weekend’s Aries Moon boosts your confidence in an unexpected way!


Lean into your values, Capricorn! Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius ruled integrity zone inspires you to practice what you preach and teach for amazing results in your somatic and financial sectors. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition wants you to incorporate both the vision to what could be and the mindfulness to what is. This weekend’s Aries Moon is a tender one so be gentle on yourself and others!


Begin again, Aquarius! Tuesday’s annual Full Moon in your sign offers you a half-birthday check-in on what you’d like to begin and/or find a sense of closure from. It’s a powerful reset just for you! Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition helps you notice the details in an effort to find who you can trust. This weekend’s Aries Moon is a curious one, so follow it to exciting places.


It’s safe to let go, Pisces. Tuesday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled closure zone wants you to release limiting patterns, behaviours, and relationships that keep you in tough holding patterns. Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn opposition wants you to normalise difference in relationships. This weekend’s Aries Moon asks you to listen to the wisdom of your body.

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