Hello, Your 2023 Horoscope Is Here

2023 horoscopes
Your 2023 Horoscope Is HereMargie Rischiotto

It's that time again: A new year is right around the corner. While you're finishing up your holiday shopping and starting to plan out all the ways you're going to crush 2023, take a moment and consult ~the stars~ about what's to come. You don't want to schedule your dream vacation during Mercury Retrograde, after all! We tapped astrologers Jake Register, Monisha Holmes, and Colin Bedell to walk us through what each zodiac sign should expect in the realms love, money, and more in 2023.

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Hearst Owned

By Jake Register

  • January 12: Mars Retrograde, which started back in October, ends—meaning you stop having all those little arguments with your partner. Related: Your libido skyrockets.

  • January 18: Oh, joyful day! The first Mercury Retrograde of 2023 ends. (Stay ready though: There are three more to come.)

  • March 2: Venus, planet of love, and Jupiter, planet of luck, form a conjunction. Forget Valentine’s Day—this is the best moment for romance in all of 2023.

  • March 7: Saturn enters Pisces, which = you + Big Feels. Born from January 1994 to April 1996? Hello, Saturn Return.

  • April 20: NBD, just the first solar eclipse in Aries in 17 years, leaving everyone feeling a lot more independent.

  • April 21: The second Mercury Retrograde of the year begins—this time in Taurus—making this a v. hectic week.

  • May 5: Spring eclipse season ends with a lunar eclipse in Scorpio.

  • July 22: Remember how last year’s Mars Retrograde made things (a lot) less horny? Well, now Venus Retrograde in Leo is slowing down your love life. Sorry!! It’ll end on September 3.

  • July 17: The North Node is in Aries for the first time in nearly two decades, giving you permission to take a major “me day.”

  • August 23: It's back: M3cury R3trograd3. (Because it's the third one of the year, get it?)

  • October 14: Fall eclipse season begins with a solar eclipse in Libra...

  • October 28: ...and ends with a lunar eclipse in Taurus.

  • December 9: Our faves Venus and Jupiter are opposite each other in the sky, creating out-of-this-world chemistry. Say hi to the day on which you’ll have the best sex of 2023—and maybe even your entire life?

  • December 13: The year ends the same way it started, with—you guessed it—Mercury Retrograde. Use it to reflect on all of 2023.

jump to your sign
jump to your sign

Hearst Owned

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

This year, you’re learning how to stand out—you’re ambitious! You’re creative! You deserve to be recognized! Prepare for some major life events (in a good way) to occur sometime around the eclipse in your sign on April 20 as well as the eclipse in your opposite sign, Libra, on October 14. And trust that people are watching while you shine bright like the star you are.

Money stuff:

Destiny’s calling! Until early May, the North Node is helping you strengthen your relationship with money as you clarify what your values are and put them into practice. The peak moment for financial stability and success is October 28's solar eclipse in Taurus, so ask for a raise or revamp your budget!

Love and sex:

My dear, 2023 does not look like a year of partnerships for you, and that’s okay! You will have plenty of admirers and lovers if you choose to indulge yourself. During the summer, you will be an especially hot topic, attracting plenty of cuties. In particular, there's a potential spicy love affair between you and someone new in June and July. Keep your heart open on November 4: You might not feel quite ready to commit, but that won’t stop a potential significant other from entering your space. —Monisha Holmes


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

The people you surround yourself with—good and bad—say a lot about you, Taurus. Starting this March, it’s time to get rid of crappy colleagues and toxic friends. Which, yes, means you’ll lose some members of your crew this year, but try not to feel bad about it. You’re just freeing up space for all the new, better friends who’ll come around in October.

Money stuff:

You need to take a risk for financial success, Taurus! Mars Retrograde is in your financial sector until January 12, helping you break risk-averse behaviors. Your window of opportunity is when Mars Retrograde is over, but Mars is still in Gemini: January 12 to March 25. During this time, put yourself out there in courageous and daring ways, like starting your own business, asking for that promotion, or switching to a whole new career path.

Love and sex:

After a few years of trouble in paradise, your relationships need a makeover. You need to learn to share a little more! While you do like to maintain your privacy, you thrive when you’re able to slip into moments of vulnerability. Starting on July 10, those of you who have had relationship strife or hesitations will find it’s easier to let lovers in. This could look like showing more emotional availability through expressing your feelings. As the middle of the year approaches, your relationships will be filled with more communication, clarity, and movement!


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

You’re stepping into 2023 fully loaded and ready for action. And that’s very good news, because you’ll be getting lots and lots of your favorite thing this year: attention. But it’s not gonna be all awards and TikTok followers—you’ll also be asked to get to work. Some of this may not be fun or easy, but you’ll be rewarded for your efforts starting in July.

Money stuff:

Get ready, Gemini! Mars is giving you an extreme makeover while it's in your sign, from now until March 25. The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6 and Mars Retrograde ending on January 7 reorients you. You’re changing your identity and habits at a rapid rate so you can be ready for summer 2023, when you’ll be creating amazing opportunities for financial success.

Love and sex:

Love and flirtation aren't a major focus of your year—at least, according to the stars. Instead, it's better for you to spend more time with your close friends and less time looking for new connections. Towards the middle of summer, you may feel an urge to throw yourself into romantic affairs—however, please proceed with caution, especially around July 18! Watch out for toxic lovers, exes that don't need to be a part of your life, and frenemies you would benefit from growing out of. If you meet people who do feel special, focus on starting from friendship and let the universe handle the rest.


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

Okay, so. Things this year are looking a little...rocky. Problems in your relationships—both romantic and platonic—are popping up in January and then again at the end of the year in December. This doesn’t mean you’re doomed to break up or be alone, but it does mean you’ll need to deeply consider the way you connect with others. Pick your friends carefully and your partner doubly so.

Money stuff:

Think structure, Cancer! Starting on March 7, Saturn in Pisces begins to support your sign for the next three years—it's time to build up budget and boundaries with your finances. Mars is helping you clear out past baggage until March 25, inspiring you to release yourself from limiting, disempowering beliefs around money. This sets you up for feeling worthy and receiving $$$ all summer long!

Love and sex:

The past few years have been a transitional period for you regarding how you navigate close relationships. Now, 2023 begins with you reflecting on how you've grown alongside the people you care about—all great things! Starting July 17, you’ll begin to have room for more dates and flirtations. If you’re not already in a relationship, 2023 is not necessarily a time when you need to shack up. This year includes two Mercury Retrogrades in your house of partnerships, one at the beginning of the year and the other at the end. Pay attention to the evolution of your relationships over the span of 2023 (I recommend journaling), because they're sure to change a lot!


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

You’ve spent a long time thinking about the value of partnerships, and now this year, you’re ready to commit. Whatever that specifically looks like for you, you’re yearning for deep, meaningful connections. And you’re going to get them, by, say, falling for a new cutie or getting even closer with your current S.O. Springtime will be especially lucky for your love life.

Money stuff:

Small steps, Leo! With taskmaster Saturn wrapping up its 2.5 year opposition to your Sun sign, you’ve been asked to apply more discipline to your bank account. That energy clears up in March, and then you’ll want to take small steps to apply what you learned, while still splurging on occasion. Mark your calendar from May 20 until July 10: That's the period when you’ll have all the fire to pursue your passions for financial success!

Love and sex:

Turning on the charm is not as important as deepening your relationships, Leo. The beginning of 2023 is allowing space for something more serious than a flirtation, maybe even planning what a future could look like with a special someone. Starting March 23, your biggest challenge will be letting go of some of your ideas about relationships so you can move to the next level of your romantic life. There are big changes coming, especially between March 23 and May 1.


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

Deep breaths, Virgo, because this year likely won’t be one for the highlights reel. That doesn’t mean it’s terrible—just that it’s about slow change and personal growth. Past friends and exes will reappear, you’ll be cutting some shitty relationships loose, and July may be especially lonely. But all of it means you’ll have a very clean slate for 2024.

Money stuff:

There’s a connection between your people and your profit, Virgo. From February 19-March 20, think about how you can invest in others from, and how they invest in you. Powerful eclipse energy will light up your income zone for the next 18 months, helping you learn more about this correlation...especially under the solar eclipse in Libra on October 14.

Love and sex:

If you’re interested in strengthening your 'ship, 2023 is a great year to do so. The year starts off a bit heavy. You’re developing a better understanding of what you want and need to feel loved, even though you may struggle to put it into words right now. On March 7, you need to ask for what you want, even if the idea of long-term commitments makes you feel uncomfortable. You may go back and forth figuring out if you really want to be with a particular person, if you can trust them, and if they’ll ever fully understand you. Try not to worry too much, Virgo. Give people space to pleasantly surprise you.


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

Although you’re all about balance (being the sign of the scales and all), your relationships—both romantic and platonic—are anything but, and you’ll spend most of the spring and summer fixing the drama. The best way to get through it is to let go of your ego and consider the other people’s needs, and by the end of the year, your ’ships will be unsinkable.

Money stuff:

Release to receive, Libra! Since 2021, astrology has been shining a light on the walls between you and your financial stability. This finally reaches a grand finale on May 5, under the lunar eclipse in Scorpio. From there, take inspired action to move forward into a new ~financial phase~ in your life, whatever that looks like for you. You’ll see these efforts take beautiful shape on October 14 during the solar eclipse in Scorpio.

Love and sex:

You’re the type that truly has no issues finding flirtations, Libra—even if you're shy, you're just magnetic. But starting this year, you’re beginning to develop a stronger sense of what you need to feel fulfilled in your love life; half-hearted flirtationships simply aren't enough. You want a lover who can grow and communicate with you, and starting March 24, you're no longer be able to tolerate less than what you deserve. Focus on developing your close relationships and trust that you’re a great judge of character. This is a year to unapologetically trust your intuition.


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

This is it, Scorpy—the year your on-again, off-again situationship needs to be over (for real). Because while fooling around may be a lot of fun, it’s time for something that matters. Cut them loose and look for a real connection. If you’re already coupled up, concentrate on making sure you’re aligned on the important stuff. Start the hard work early and your love life can thrive.

Money stuff:

What’s your truth, Scorpio? Before you choose how to make money, you need to ask yourself, “Who do I want to be?” Focus on the being before the having until the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5. After then, you’ll have the answers to the identity questions and you can take steps that create a life to hold the financial security you deserve.

Love and sex:

Don’t worry about being taken or single—the future is out of your control, and that’s the best part of life! That said, this could be the year when a flirtation becomes a bit more serious than you anticipated. Sometime around March 7, you’ll probably begin to find what it is you’re looking for. For some of you, that’s a deepening of a relationship, and for others, that might be some much-needed single time. There’s no shame in being unsure of what’s next. Trust that the future is unfolding exactly how it's meant to—you’ll be fine!


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

Prepare for flashbacks, because this year is all about the past. You’re spending time with family, the people you have history with (your oldest friends and maybe an ex or two), and, most importantly, yourself. Aka you’re sorting out how your past has impacted the person you are today. Your most reflective and reminiscent month will be March.

Money stuff:

It’s safe to trust, Sag! Since 2021, the eclipses have activated your income zone, and you finally graduate on May 5 with plenty of lessons learned. Courageous Jupiter is supporting your Sun for the first half 2023, encouraging you to step into new possibilities. Tell the universe your intentions on money on November 13 to end the year on a high note!

Love and sex:

Summer is a hot season for you, Sagittarius. Just make sure that you play with others responsibly, or your summer fun could turn into a bad situation. Your ability to practice discernment will prove to be one of your greatest protectors. On June 16, room is opening for you to create an entirely different approach to your love life. Instead of fighting to experience love in a particular way, you’ll find that the most fulfilling relationships are forged through when you let go of your expectations.


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

Sure, your entire vibe is calm, cool, and collected, but right now, you’re so unwilling to be vulnerable that you’re closing yourself off from loving others. And you’re blocking others from truly getting to know you. This year is the time to change all that. May’s astro is attracting tons of love your way—start practicing opening up early so that you can be ready when it arrives.

Money stuff:

What does “financial stability” mean to you, Cap? Since March 2020, your ruling planet, Saturn, has toured your income zone, motivating you to rethink how you define security. Saturn finally moves into Pisces this March, inspiring you to take action on the new learnings you've acquired. Remember to talk about your financial ideas and strategies with your community—you can always benefit from a little feedback!

Love and sex:

This year is smooth sailing for you, Capricorn—enjoy! The people you connect with during the spring will bring forth an abundance of fun and plenty of wisdom by summer. On July 1, take time to reflect over how you communicate within your relationships and make sure you’re satisfied. All year long, make sure you’re not being overly consumed by romantic partners. Not every potential relationship is right for the person you're becoming.


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

You’ve always been the smarty-pants of the zodiac, but your words and actions carry extra weight once Pluto enters your sign in March. You’ll have a drive like you’ve never felt before, and you’re ready to get whatever you want. But a word of warning: It’s easy to become demanding or downright ruthless as you chase your goals, so try to avoid stepping on others’ toes.

Money stuff:

What are your values, Aquarius? Saturn enters your income zone this March and stays for the next three years, helping you put your values into practice and achieve financial stability. It’s that simple—so remember to prioritize your beliefs, because your integrity will pay off. The New Moon in Pisces on February 20 will help you focus on what matters.

Love and sex:

You're a rebel, Aquarius, and 2023 is no different. The year starts off with Mars Retrograde, and much of your flirtations will be put on hold, or you’ll find yourself taking some steps back from a relationship that's no longer working. Around July 13 and 14, you may be especially heated and craving independence—you're no one's show pony or trophy. As the summer ends, some of you may find yourself leaving relationships that no longer speak to you. If you do go through a breakup, try not to jump from one relationship to another. By winter, you’ll better be able to understand the benefits of letting go.


Margie Rischiotto

Broad strokes:

Honestly, there’s just nobody like you, Pisces. And this year’s astrology is teaching you to double down on that without holding back. March may be a tough month, and same for October. But stick to your values, honor your emotions, and don’t be afraid to express yourself and all of your many feelings (yes, all of them). It’s time for people to get to know the real you.

Money stuff:

Desire is key, Pisces! With benevolent Jupiter (plus an eclipse) in your income zone for the first half of the year, you’ll have to let your dreams—and I don't mean self-protection, people-pleasing, or avoidance—guide you to financial safety. It’s okay to be nervous about going after what you want, but go for it anyway, and let the universe catch you in a trust fall.

Love and sex:

This year is truly what you make of it, Pisces. A peaceful start to a new year begins to shift on March 26, when you will be a bit more inspired to put yourself out there. Plant your seeds now so you can harvest lovers during the early summer. On July 1, be ready to share in some clarifying conversations—but don't worry, it's nothing bad! This is a time for you to speak your mind, especially if you're telling someone how much you like them. As summer comes to an end, take time to reflect over all that transpired. If you honored your desires and boundaries, then you’re likely on top of the world!

"Broad strokes" by Jake Register, "Money stuff" by Colin Bedell, "Love and sex" by Monisha Holmes

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