What the Hell Happens at a Convention for Pet Influencers?

When I first heard there was going to be a convention for famous pets in downtown LA, my first three thoughts were “I’m going to that,” “I’m going to that,” and “I’m definitely going to that.” I sent The Dog Agency a request for Los Angeles PetCon press passes so quickly I almost sprained my wrist. This was to be their first LA-based PetCon, following two incredibly successful events in New York.

And then came the hard part: I had to wait a month before the actual event would unfold. During that month I languished. “What would it be like?! This convention of veritable pet influencers can’t possibly be as incredible as I’m picturing, can it?” Short answer: it absolutely can.

STYLECASTER| I Went To An Animal Influencer Event And It Is 110% Worth The Hype
STYLECASTER| I Went To An Animal Influencer Event And It Is 110% Worth The Hype

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