Helena Bonham Carter Could Be the Next Princess Margaret on The Crown


Helena Bonham Carter’s possible new role is one we never expected—but it actually makes a lot of sense. The former Harry Potter star is “all but confirmed” to play Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth’s rebellious younger sister, in Season 3 of The Crown, according to the U.K.’s Evening Standard.

The hit Netflix show is replacing its cast for the third season, which takes place further in the future, to reflect that its characters have aged. Bonham Carter would be taking over from Vanessa Kirby (below, left), who brilliantly played the funny and irreverent Princess Margaret (below, right) in the show’s first two seasons.

Claire Foy, who won a Golden Globe for her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth in Season 1, will be replaced by Olivia Colman. There’s no word yet on who will replace Matt Smith as Prince Philip.

While Bonham Carter may seem like an interesting choice for the role, it isn’t her first time playing a member of the British royal family: The star played the Queen Mother in The King’s Speech back in 2010.

We’ll certainly be sad to see Foy and Kirby go, but Season 3 of The Crown is already shaping up to be a hit.