Helen Hunt On The Blockbuster Movie She "Begged" To Be In + Why "As Good As It Gets" Made Her So Nervous

Helen Hunt On The Blockbuster Movie She "Begged" To Be In + Why "As Good As It Gets" Made Her So Nervous

When we played a little game called "Land the Part" with Helen Hunt, we would've been happy to hear the behind-the-scenes scoop on *any* of the iconic movies she's starred in -- but she just so happened to land on some of our (and Rach's!) absolute favorites.


And apparently, stars *are* just like us -- they beg and get nervous for jobs, too.

Can you guess which roles had these effects on Helen? Keep reading to find out!


"It's beautiful. It's a good movie. I'm really proud of it. I was nervous because [of] Jack Nicholson and everything. I assumed that he would be a mysterious icon wild animal who worked in a way that I didn't understand. [But] he [was] an acting class student his whole life [and] he was asking the same questions I was asking, so I felt like I had an acting buddy, which was the biggest thrill of the whole experience."

(Rach admitted to Helen that she watches this one several times a year!)


"[There was] a lot of hair. Hair was dyed, clips were made with a hot glue gun. I think they took Sarah Parker's hair and dyed it kind of a fake version of my color and then took my hair and dyed it white. It was all a fever dream of hair."


"I will say, I love this movie. It was like an indie made on a giant scale [with] an actor, writer and director who had such a clear [vision]. I just had never seen anything like it. Everything we see is, 'It's like that movie, only they're on an island.' I just had never seen anything like it. I kind of begged to be in it. I remember that. I'm just proud of it. That one I would watch if it was on, because it's just so good."

Rach's take? "I cried 'til I was sick."

Same, Rach, same! 😭

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