What the Heck Is Rambutan and How Do You Eat It?


Behold the rambutan, a curly-haired red fruit that looks more like something out of a fairy tale than anything grown in real life. But while rambutans may seem exotic to Westerners, they’re a common snack throughout Asia, and increasingly in Australia and in tropical countries in Central America. They’re also available in specialty produce stores around the U.S., and you can often find them in Chinatown produce stalls.

December to January is the main harvest season for rambutan, although these tropical fruit trees bear a shorter, second harvest from August to September.

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What is Rambutan?

Rambutans have a spiky, hairy exterior that conceals a smooth, sweet white fruit within. You can easily peel open a rambutan by splitting the skin apart with your nails and spreading it back, much as you would peel an orange. Don’t worry about the spines; they look sharp but are actually quite soft and bend back easily.

There are other intriguing and exotic fruits similar to lychee, such as ackee and achacha—if you find you like rambutan, it's worth sampling these other unique fruits from around the world.

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How Do You Eat Rambutan?

Many people describe the flavor of rambutans as similar to that of the lychee fruit, but slightly more tart. They’re usually eaten plain as a snack, though they are also delicious muddled into cocktails, paired with other fruits in a tropical salad or as a fruit topping on ice cream, yogurt or other desserts. You can also use rambutans as a substitute in any recipe that calls for lychees.

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How Long Do Rambutans Last?

Rambutans are delicate and don’t keep longer than one or two days at room temperature. To preserve them a few days longer, wrap them in a breathable plastic bag and refrigerate.

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