Heavy Mountain Snowfall Possible In Washington As "Major Pattern Change" Arrives

Meteorologist Micheal Snyder of Pacific Northwest Weather Watch reports that a "major pattern change" is possible for the Pacific Northwest next week, which, should it pan out, will bring heavy mountain snowfall.

As of right now—and always take longer range forecasts with some amount of salt—the days to watch are Sunday and Monday. That's when larger quantities of snow could start flying according to Snyder.

The National Weather Service's Spokane, Washington, division is on board with the prediction. Today, they wrote, "Guess who's crashing the 'Spring is Here' party this Sunday - Wednesday in the Inland Northwest? Winter, that's who!" on X, suggesting that heavy snowfall should hit the state next week.

In a separate X post, NWS Seattle also got in on the fun, writing, "Enjoy the dry and warm weather on Friday while you can! A strong storm system will bring heavy mountain snow to western Washington towards the end of the weekend."

The arrival of more snow would be entirely welcome for snowsports enthusiasts throughout Washington. Snow water equivalent levels are down statewide, which, in regular person speak, means the skiing hasn't been great.

To help recoup costs from a challenging season, Loup Loup Ski Bowl, Washington, announced it would begin offering lifetime season passes.

In short, the El Niño—known for skunking Pacific Northwest ski areas—has been doing its thing. Yet, next week could bring a powdery reprieve from the warm and dry gloom.

You know by the drill by now. Snow dances. Do them.

Related: Oregon Ski Area Opens 22 Foot Halfpipe

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