Heavenly Announces Winter '23-'24 Opening Day

The mercury might inch past 80 degrees in South Lake Tahoe today, but Heavenly Mountain Resort, CA is making plans for next ski season.

The Vail Resorts-owned property will kickoff Winter '23-'24 on Friday, November 17th, 2023, conditions permitting. See the recently published Instagram post below for more details:

Heavenly Mountain Resort: "We may have just finished shoveling, but we’re ready for the snow to fall again! The countdown has already begun, and we’re fired up to announce that our target opening day at Heavenly for the 2023-2024 ski + ride season is slated for November 17, conditions allowing!

Mark your calendars and start wishing for snow, (just not TOO much snow?) ...get ready, get your @EpicPass to lock in the best value for season-long skiing and riding, and start dreaming of winter!"

Heavenly, along with the dozen plus resorts in the Sierras, had a banner season for snow last year. The resort totaled 591 inches on the season, 164% of their reported annual average of 360 inches.

To say it snowed a lot would be a drastic understatement. It would also explain why Heavenly said to start wishing for snow but not "TOO much". That's fair. Plenty of resorts saw last season what can happen when it snow too much.

Start the countdown now. There's just 93 days until Heavenly is open once again.

Heavenly Mountain Resort Trail Map
Heavenly Mountain Resort Trail Map

Heavenly Mountain Resort Stats/Info:

Vertical: 3,500 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 4,800 ac.

Average Snowfall: 360 in.

Lifts: 28

Trails: 97

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: NO

Mega-Pass: Epic Pass

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