The Healthy Skin Benefits of Using Face Mists

Facial sprays feel refreshing, sure. But they can do much more for your skin than just that.

Photo: Nacivet/Getty Images

Even when you apply a moisturizer in the morning, your skin loses water throughout the day, sometimes at a rapid rate depending on the climate, says Frauke Neuser, principal scientist for Olay Skin Care. So periodically rehydrating is super important to staying healthy and dewy. (Related: What Happened When I Drank Twice As Much Water As I Usually Do)

You know when our skin reaches parched status because it feels tight and looks dull. Of course, it’s usually right in the middle of the afternoon, when it’s not convenient to cleanse, moisturize, and reapply makeup.

That’s when a good mist comes in—its micro-size droplets are designed to settle on your face without disrupting your makeup and to deliver a quick hit of moisture. In testing, the Olay Mists in Energizing and Calming (Buy It, $13 each, provided an immediate 60 percent boost in skin hydration, says Neuser. (If your skin is super dry, also try these top hydrating face masks.)

What's In the Water

Facial mists are much more than just H2O. Spraying yourself with regular water will cool you off or wake you up, but it won’t hydrate skin. "If it did, then your shower would count as your moisturizer," says Neuser.

Formulas contain moisture-binding ingredients like glycerin or hyaluronic acid, as well as other beneficial boosters (like rosewater!). Just be sure to avoid any that contain alcohol, which will only further dry you out. Try these:

The Mental Factor

While these elixirs are meant to rehydrate and strengthen cells, they can also help recharge your mind. The act of closing your eyes and gently misting feels spa-like, plus many of the scents have therapeutic notes, such as citrus to pep you up or rose to calm you down. (Here's more on how to turn your beauty routine into a meditation session.)