Healthy Road Trip Food to Fuel Your Next Adventure

Healthy Road Trip Food to Fuel Your Next Adventure To stay on track with your healthy eating while driving across the country, preparation is key. Before your trip, scope out what food options are along your route, prep any coolers or cold packs, and make a grocery run. Here are some healthy grocery items to seek out and pack: Be sure to bring protein-rich snacks like nuts, seeds, hummus, yogurt, string cheese, cold cuts, or jerky. To make sure you get your daily servings of fruit, pack some fresh fruits that travel well, like oranges or apples. You can also pack dried or freeze-dried fruit. When it comes to vegetables, you can't go wrong with sliced fresh veggies, which you can dip in hummus. Other options include vegetable juice, freeze-dried vegetables, or even prepared salads or soups. Avocados and seeds like chia or flax are a great way to ensure you're getting all the healthy fats you need. Round our your road-trip diet with complex carbs like whole-grain bread, oats, and popcorn. Stay hydrated by drinking primarily water or seltzer. Go slow with coffee, as it can lead to dehydration.