How Your Health Markers Now Affect Your Life Decades Later

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Photo credit: simonkr - Getty Images

From Bicycling

  • A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that your cholesterol and blood pressure levels at a young age can affect you later in life.

  • Researchers found that those with high cholesterol under the age of 40 had a 64 percent greater risk of coronary heart disease later in life than those with normal levels.

  • High blood pressure in early age was also linked to a greater risk of heart failure later.

You’re probably laser-focused on your training regimen, have your favorite ride routes memorized, and even nailed your meal prep down to a science. But are you thinking about other aspects of your health?

If not, you should—even if you feel like you are years away from having to worry about your heart health. That’s because certain health markers now can influence your chances of healthier aging later, a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests.

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In the study, researchers collected data from over 36,000 participants on heart health risk factors like cholesterol and blood pressure levels in young adulthood, and followed up with them after an average of 17 years to see how likely they were to develop heart disease or heart failure.

Researchers found that if someone had levels of LDL cholesterol—the “bad” kind—of 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or higher before age 40, that spelled trouble later on: They had a 64 percent increased risk for coronary heart disease during follow up compared to those who had healthy LDL cholesterol levels.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, LDL cholesterol levels under 100 mg/dL are considered optimal in a healthy individual.

Additionally, participants who had systolic blood pressure readings (the pressure your heart exerts while beating) of 130 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or higher earlier in life were 37 percent more likely to experience heart failure later on compared to those with a systolic blood pressure of less than 120.

And those with diastolic blood pressure (the pressure blood exerts on artery walls) of 80 mm Hg or higher saw a 21 percent increased risk of heart failure.

According to the American Heart Association, a healthy blood pressure would be less than 120 systolic and 80 diastolic, or less than 120/80 mm Hg.

The relationship between elevated blood pressure and LDL cholesterol earlier in life and heart problems later in life held true regardless of levels later in life, study author Yiyi Zhang, Ph.D., of the division of general medicine at Columbia University told Bicycling.

High cholesterol can cause buildup in your arteries, which can up your odds of health problems like heart attack or stroke. Researchers believe that high LDL cholesterol early in life may be driven genetically, Zhang said, but it is also a modifiable risk factor for heart disease in others.

“Maintaining a healthy level of LDL throughout young adulthood could provide substantial benefits in terms of lifetime cardiovascular disease prevention,” Zhang said.

As for blood pressure? Elevated blood pressure in young adulthood led to a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and even heart failure later in life. Similar to LDL, an unhealthy blood pressure level during young adulthood usually persists into later life, which leads to prolonged damage to the blood vessels, Zhang said.

The good news is, in many cases, high cholesterol and high blood pressure can be controlled by lifestyle factors. Reducing saturated fats in your diet and increasing consumption of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain a healthy cholesterol, as can eating more whole foods rather than processed stuff, which can contain trans fats. Limiting your sodium intake and eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can help lower your blood pressure.

And exercise is key for both, too. Lowering both your cholesterol and blood pressure takes a total lifestyle change—diet and exercise. According to the American Heart Association, 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise (such as a brisk walk or swim) can help lower both LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

If lifestyle modifications don’t get your numbers down to where they should be, your doctor may recommend medications like statins for high cholesterol or diuretics for high blood pressure.

By keeping tabs on these numbers from a young age, you can ensure your lifestyle is setting you up for success later in life. Or if your numbers are too high now, you can start making changes to your diet and exercise habits to get them in check. Either way, by keeping these numbers within a healthy range now, you’ll likely benefit later.

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