How to Heal Bruises Faster

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Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

It’s finally summer and you’re ready to show off the quads you spent all winter developing on the next big group ride. One problem: Your mountain biking excursions have left you covered in some pretty colorful bruises. Find out what’s to blame for those dark marks — and follow these doctor-approved tricks to have you showing off your legs in no time.

What’s Making You Bruise

Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that transport nutrients between blood and surrounding tissues—and any change to them can lead to a bruise. "You have little capillaries that are only cushioned by tissue [collagen] and skin," says Rachel Nazarian, M.D., a dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology in New York City. "Anything that causes that skin to thin, the collagen to decrease, or the actual walls of the capillaries to be weaker [and break], is going to increase your likelihood of bruising."

Some areas—like the shins—have less cushion, making them more prone to bruising. Another culprit? Vitamin deficiency. The two main vitamins you need to prevent them are vitamin C and K, says Nazarian. "If you're vitamin deficient, you actually have a clotting abnormality," she says.

Related: 7 Reasons You Bruise Easily

And unfortunately, some people are just more susceptible to bruising than others. "When the skin is more transparent [a.k.a. you're pale], the blood underneath is going to be more obvious," says Nazarian. So while you may not actually be bruising more, the marks are more apparent.

How to Speed up the Healing Process

If your bruise is changing color, that’s a good sign. What starts as a deep red-purple will eventually turn into a yellow-green, and then a golden brown before the bruise disappears. But we know that can feel like it takes forever. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to speed things along.

Dermend Moisturizing Bruise Formula Cream is one topical treatment you can use daily if you're prone to bruising. You can also use it when you have a bruise since it’s infused with arneca, a flower that increases blood circulation and treats inflammation, says Nazarian.

If you’re vitamin-deficient, ingesting vitamins C and K, either through your diet or via supplements, will help prevent constant bruising, while topical application will help to heal a bruise faster. Try applying VI Derm Vitamin C Topical Serum or Reviva Labs Vitamin K Cream to areas you often get them so that you can start treating them before they even appear.

Related: What to Do If You’re Injured on a Bike Ride

Oddly enough, eating a lot of pineapple may also do some good, too. The fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps reduce swelling, says Nazarian.

Nazarian also recommends icing the bruise within 24 hours to reduce inflammation and possible pain, in addition to applying an elastic bandage. "Using a bandage can help slow the blood flow to better control the bleeding,” she says. “It can minimize the size of the bruise."

This article originally appeared in Women’s Health.

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