Hawaii Surfer Flynn Novak Recalls Gnarly Wipeout and Underwater Dream at Pipeline

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It's been the winter of wipeouts at Pipeline.

The legendary North Shore surf spot has hospitalized, busted up, and beaten down some of the world's best surfers this season including Joao Chianca, Eimeo Czermak, Kai Lenny, Koa Rothamn, and Eala Stewart.

But years ago, Pipeline knocked out one of its regulars, Flynn Novak, who recently sat down with Joe Alani on the Couch Surfing Show and relived it in the clip below.

The Couch Surfing Show posted the clip above and captioned it:

"Pipeline expert @flynn_novak talks about what it’s like to have a scary wipeout at Pipeline. The danger is no joke. #surf #surfing #pipeline"

On the show, Novak recalls getting knocked out at Pipe and sliding immediately into the dream state.

Opening the clip, he says:

"I went to sleep underwater and had dreams out there."

Novak explains that while dropping in on a wave—one of "those gnarly double-up ones that should've been a second reefer"—he suddenly went head over heels.

He then "ate shit in the worst place possible," got sucked up and over backward, hit the middle of his back, and then his head.

With no awareness of what happened, he sunk into a deep dream.

He was back in kindergarten, warm and cozy tucked into blankets as his mom was trying to wake him up for school.

"And then I opened my eyes and I was still underwater," he says.

Close call.

Press play above for the details.

One viewer asked: "No water patrol or happened too quick? Scary…"

Novak answered: "water patrol wasn’t around 10-12 years ago"


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