Having a God Complex: What Does This Mean?

Medically reviewed by Kira Graves, PhD

The term "God complex" is used to describe a person who believes they have exceptional power or authority and is superior to others. It is not considered a mental illness on its own, per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). That said, it is often present in people who have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

People who experience God complexes have a heightened sense of self and believe their abilities to be unmatched. This article discusses the personality traits, causes, and effects a God complex can have on a person.

<p>Tom Merton / Getty Images</p>

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God Complex: A Real Diagnosis?

A God complex is not a diagnosable disorder. It is merely a symptom or personality trait adopted by someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Because of that, the DSM-5 doesn’t recognize it as its own entity but rather as a manifestation of narcissistic personality disorder.

There are two primary types of narcissistic personality disorder: vulnerable and grandiose. People with a God complex typically have grandiose narcissistic personality disorder.

God Complex vs. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder is a diagnosable disorder that presents with various symptoms and personality traits. A person with narcissistic personality disorder is likely to have a God complex if they have grandiose notions of their abilities, influence, or power. People without narcissistic personality disorder can also have a God complex, but it is more likely to develop in those with the disorder.

Related: The 4 Types of Cluster B Personality Disorders

God Complex Personality Traits

People with a God complex are likely to experience feelings of superiority over others. Because they see themselves as better than others, they are likely to display behaviors such as:

  • Overconfidence: People with a God complex overestimate their abilities. They see others as less than and, therefore, are unlikely to consult others when making decisions. This can lead to less accurate decision-making and unfavorable outcomes.

  • High-self esteem: Having a God complex goes hand in hand with high self-esteem. People see themselves in a better light than they do others.

  • Externalization: When someone with a God complex makes a mistake, or something does not turn out as planned, they blame others for the consequences. They do not see their shortcomings and assume that someone else must be to blame if something goes wrong.

  • Driven to leadership roles: People with God complexes see themselves as more attuned to the world and better at taking charge, so they tend toward leadership and management roles in their careers. They like to have superiority over others because they believe they are the best for the job. This can often lead to issues within the workplace.

  • Exploitation tendencies: Having a God complex can lead to a person using others for personal gain. They are less inclined to care about how their decisions or actions affect others as long as they are able to get what they want.

  • Superiority: Those with a God complex believe themselves to be superior to all others and are likely to see others as less able than they are in all regards.

  • Difficulty maintaining relationships: Since people with God complexes see themselves as better than others, including their partners, it can be hard for them to maintain healthy relationships.

God Complex vs. Superiority Disorder

A superiority disorder is the belief that you are better than others and that your abilities and the things you have accomplished are much more impressive than those around you. It is typically associated with feelings of lack and used as a coping mechanism.

Superiority disorder is part of a God complex and narcissistic personality disorder. A God complex and narcissistic personality disorder will present with more than feelings of superiority.

Related: What Makes Covert Narcissist Traits Different?

What Causes a God Complex?

The exact cause of a God complex isn’t known, partly because it is not a diagnosable disorder. It is often a symptom of narcissistic personality disorder. There is also no known cause of narcissistic personality disorder.

That said, some factors come into play that can increase the likelihood of someone developing grandiose narcissistic personality disorder.

Most of the factors associated with the development of narcissistic personality disorder occur during childhood development. They include:

  • Abuse or trauma

  • Hearing excessive praise consistently

  • Unreliable authority figures, such as parents or guardians

  • Rarely hearing no or getting everything they ask for during childhood

  • Growing up in an environment that lacks authentic validation

In some cases, people who go into careers with high importance or power status can develop a God complex, even if they do not have narcissistic personality disorder. One of the most notable examples would be surgeons and other doctors. They do important work, some of it affecting life and death, and feeling as though a person’s life is in their hands can, over time, cause them to develop a God complex.

NPD and Genetics/Biology

The onset of narcissistic personality disorder is complex, but research has found that some biological and genetic factors may increase a person’s chances of developing it. NPD can be inheritable.

Concept of Self in God Complex

The way people with a God complex see themselves differs from how most people see themselves. They often hold themselves in high regard and see their abilities, accomplishments, and influence as grandiose. Their ability to regard themselves truly and authentically is skewed by their feelings of complete and utter superiority.

Because of how they see themselves, they can engage in destructive behaviors that lead to damaging consequences for others. However, they do not see their actions or behaviors as damaging, as they blame others for issues arising from their behavior.

People with a God complex also like to control every situation they are a part of. They are not above using manipulative tactics to get what they want and even go so far as to use aggression or force in their pursuits.

How Can You Tell If Someone Has a God Complex?

It can be challenging to spot a God complex unless you are aware of the behaviors and personality traits that accompany it. If someone possesses the following, they may have a God complex:

  • A high sense of entitlement

  • Controlling or jealous behavior

  • Inability to accept or handle criticism

  • Believing they are always the most intelligent person in the room and rejecting other people’s opinions or thoughts

  • Feeling as though they are invincible and as if no one could come close to their superiority

  • Blatantly ignoring the needs of others as they see fit in the pursuit of having their needs met

  • A disregard for others' feelings concerning their harmful actions

Communicating With Someone With a God Complex

Communicating with someone with a God complex can be challenging because they are not receptive to others' needs, opinions, or ideas. They believe themselves to be the best at everything and are unlikely to participate in an equal give or take when communicating with others or in relationships.

Because a God complex is present in narcissistic personality disorder, it’s essential to learn how people with the disorder and the symptoms approach their relationships with others so that you can communicate effectively with them while setting boundaries for yourself.

The first step is learning to recognize certain behaviors that stem from the God complex, such as:

  • Dismissing your opinions or ideas

  • Acting only in their best interests

  • Gaslighting and manipulation tactics

Once you recognize the signs and personality traits, you can easily navigate communication. One of the best ways to protect yourself is by setting clear boundaries and sticking to them.

If you have difficulty recognizing the behaviors harmful to your relationship with a person with a God complex, speak to trusted friends, family, or a psychologist. They can help you see the situation more clearly and recognize abusive situations.

God Complex and NPD in Relation to Emotional Intelligence

Since people with grandiose narcissistic personality disorder and a God complex see themselves in a more positive light than others, they also see their ability to identify with others as heightened as well emotionally. However, research has found that their emotional intelligence is used to manipulate others instead of understanding and empathizing. This makes open and authentic communication difficult.

Learn More: How to Deal With a Narcissist, According to Therapists

Effects of God Complex on Self-Esteem

High self-esteem is good. People who see themselves positively are more likely to have the confidence to try for and succeed at certain endeavors and can also easily maintain healthy and positive relationships.

While people with a God complex do tend to have high self-esteem, their self-worth is so elevated it can harm their ability to establish healthy long-term professional and personal relationships with others.

Since people with a God complex have exceptionally high self-esteem, it may be easy to assume that they, too, can use it to their advantage. However, since their inflated sense of self leads to destruction and damaged relationships, there is no advantage to having the complex.

Tips for Improving Mental Health and Confidence

Having a God complex alongside narcissistic personality disorder can be challenging for the person experiencing it and those around them.

The good news is that people can outgrow or heal from having a God complex if they seek treatment from a mental health professional. Some tips for overcoming a God complex include:

  • Learning about the behaviors associated with the complex and addressing them head-on

  • Seeking out professional help to treat NPD and its symptoms, including grandiose notions of self, if the complex is present with the disorder

  • Learning techniques to manage emotions and feelings toward others

  • Establishing a support system


A God complex is typically associated with narcissistic personality disorder, but it can be present without the disorder. People with the complex tend to see themselves as better than those around them and significantly inflate their importance.

A God complex, on its own, is not a mental health diagnosis. Because of that, it can be hard to treat because medical professionals have not yet developed a proper therapeutic approach to address the feelings and actions of those with a God complex.

The cause of the complex isn't well known, as is the case with NPD. However, it can be linked to past abuse and trauma or having experienced too much praise during childhood development. People with God complexes, or those who love someone with a God complex, can actively work toward healing by opening communication and seeking out professional help.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.