Harry Styles's "Watermelon Sugar" Music Video Is Dedicated to "Touching"

In a distant universe somewhere in the times before most of us were placed under lockdown and social distancing measures, having a beach party in extremely close quarters with all your friends was just another summer staple we all took for granted.

Now, with beaches around most of the country closed due to safety measures and gatherings in many states still limited, Harry Styles's music video for his song "Watermelon Sugar" feels like a saturated fever dream — hence why he decided to dedicate the video to the entire concept of "touching."

The video, filmed before its entire theme became a safety risk, features Styles and a group of women on a sunny beach, eating and feeding each other watermelon.

After watching this, you might find a whole new meaning in the watermelon emoji (eggplant emoji who?). Or, as a friend of mine put it, "how can something be THIS NSFW even when you're working from home?"

The song, which debuted in November off of Styles's Fine Lines album, is an upbeat track that was destined to be a song of the summer.

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Many of us won't be spending the next few months eating watermelon on the beach (much less in Styles's crochet top and blue sunglasses), but the new music video is an almost nostalgic tribute to the long, sun-soaked days we all deserved. Were we ever so young?