Harry and Meghan’s List of Requests for Speaking Engagements Was Leaked

Harry and Meghan’s List of Requests for Speaking Engagements Was Leaked
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From Cosmopolitan

  • Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s list of requests for speaking engagements was reportedly leaked.

  • The royal couple allegedly wants a guarantee they’ll be paid up front and control over choosing their moderators.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are officially financially independent from the royal family thanks to a massive Netflix deal rumored to be worth $50 million to $100 million—but they’re also still available for the occasional million-dollar speaking engagement. And their list of “demands” (aka pretty reasonable requests) was just leaked.

The Telegraph got its hands on the duke and duchess’s Virtual Event Request Form from Harry Walker Agency, a four-page list of requests for their speaking engagements—including a guarantee they’ll get paid in advance (fair!) and a guarantee they can choose their own event moderator (also fair!).

According to The Telegraph (via Page Six), the form states, “The choice of Introducer and Moderator will be at the final discretion of the Speaker” and “the Fee will need to be paid directly from the contracting organization’s account.”

According to the leaked list, Meghan and Harry also want to know how many people will be at the event and “who they are,” as well as who else is speaking, what branding will be present, what the audience will see onscreen, and who the event sponsors are—including “corporations, individuals, members of the organization, and government entities or organizations.” All of this seems pretty reasonable, as is the request to know what potential sponsors are “receiving in return for their sponsorship.”

Basically, it sounds like the duke and duchess simply want to know what they’re getting into—and considering they’re a couple whose every move is highly scrutinized, this seems fair!

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