This Hardy 70s Houseplant is Making a Comeback

This Hardy 70s Houseplant is Making a Comeback

The hardy succulent beloved by 70s grandmas is making its triumphant return to American homes.

Hoya, also called wax plant or waxflower, is a genus of vining succulent with shiny or fuzzy leaves. With hundreds of species to choose from, these tropical beauties produce long, thin stems and, if we say so ourselves, look particularly good in hanging planters.

After a decades-long hiatus, Better Homes & Gardens reports that hoyas are becoming more available at specialty garden centers and houseplant shops. This surge in popularity is likely due to that fact that these easy-care, low-water plants are fragrant, slow-growing, and thrive indoors. And, as an added bonus, they might even treat you to a few clusters of star-shaped flowers, given the right conditions (read: plenty of sunlight).

WATCH: 10 Easy Houseplants Even Beginners Can’t Kill

According to BHG, hoyas grow well in low, medium, or bright light, though they’re less likely bloom in these conditions. The more light they receive, the more flowers they will produce. Hoyas also prefer snug pots and are said to flower more when they’re a bit root bound.

Welcome back hoya, we’re happy to have you.