'The hardest thing about grieving is to grieve': Amarillo organizations to host conference

BSA Hospice of the Southwest, in partnership with Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation and Olivia’s Angels, will host a Grief and Loss Conference on June 14, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Amarillo College West Campus Lecture Hall.

BSA Hospice said the goal of the conference is to provide valuable insights and resources to community members seeking support, as well as understanding of the complexities of grief.

"This conference is open to people and professionals. Part of our goal is to create a space for people to learn who are in the professional field, but also a space for people in the community to take on some information too," said Alyssa Jenkins, Bereavement Coordinator for BSA Hospice.

Jenkins spoke about how many want the understanding and assistance to work through their grief but don't know how to make that first step. She said this conference could be the perfect first step toward that understanding.

BSA Hospice of the Southwest, in partnership with Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation and Olivia’s Angels, will host a Grief and Loss Conference on June 14 at the Amarillo College West Campus Lecture Hall.
BSA Hospice of the Southwest, in partnership with Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation and Olivia’s Angels, will host a Grief and Loss Conference on June 14 at the Amarillo College West Campus Lecture Hall.

"It's hard to come to one-on-one counseling, even to support groups. This is a large enough event where anyone can come get some information and learn start there at their own pace. ... For those who attend, this could be that first step to where they can answer those questions of 'Do I need more understanding?' 'Is this something that I need to get further help for?' without having to sit one on one or attend a support group," Jenkins said.

"This would also be a great place to get information for managers or business owners who deal with this as well. They have employees that have a death, and they don't know how to help, the more they don't know how to help the co-workers. We want to invite them as well, because the more awareness we have about grief and how to support one another, the better we can get about it in the community," she added.

During the event, professionals seeking information are invited to ask questions about their Continuing Education Units, or CEUs.

During the conference, many different forms of grief will be discussed, including Prolonged Grief disorder, a newer mental health diagnosis where individuals experience grief for a prolonged period of time; Anticipatory Grief, seen commonly with individuals caring for a loved one and experiencing grief - this can commonly be seen in individuals with loved ones living with dementia; Disenfranchised Grief, commonly experienced by individuals who feel they cannot publicly grieve - some examples of this type of grief include those whose loved ones were involved in a homicide or suicide; and Ambiguous Grief, discussing losses that are non-death losses, including those mourning the loss of material items, a body part, health, a severed relationship and the similar.

The BSA Hospice of the Southwest location is seen in Amarillo. BSA Hospice of the Southwest, in partnership with Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation and Olivia’s Angels, will host a Grief and Loss Conference on June 14 at the Amarillo College West Campus Lecture Hall.
The BSA Hospice of the Southwest location is seen in Amarillo. BSA Hospice of the Southwest, in partnership with Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation and Olivia’s Angels, will host a Grief and Loss Conference on June 14 at the Amarillo College West Campus Lecture Hall.

"Most people (experiencing grief) don't necessarily want advice; they just want support and acknowledgment. ... Grief can be rough. It can be hard, but we can learn how to support one another and how to tell others how we best can be supported," Jenkins said.

By fostering understanding and empathy, the event aims to empower individuals and communities to navigate the challenges of grief more effectively.

Attendees will hear from three local distinguished speakers, each addressing critical aspects of grief and healing. Topics include:

  • “Understanding, Adapting, and Healing after a Death” featuring guest speaker Kimberli Phillips, PhD, LCSW, ACHP-SW

  • The Magic Eye of Grief: Disenfranchised and Ambiguous Grief” featuring Amy Hord, LCSW-S

  • “Anticipatory Grief: The Long Goodbye” with guest speaker Dede Schuler Ballou, MBA, MEd, NCC, LPC-A

"I don't think that grief ever leaves us (people). We (BSA Hospice) focus more on how to help move through grief. I think of it like a backpack. Sometimes our backpack is lighter, and we, wearing our grief backpack, can get through a day or week or month or year. And then other days, it's heavy, and we don't know why all the time. But, I encourage people to stop in those moments and give presence instead of throwing them in the backpack, so that maybe when they come again, they will have a better understanding of what is going on," Jenkins said.

Throughout this conference, BSA is focused on offering attendees comfort. Jenkins said that pages will be provided to color or take notes on, as well as plenty of breaks throughout the events and chances to share.

The BSA Hospice of the Southwest location is seen in Amarillo. BSA Hospice of the Southwest, in partnership with Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation and Olivia’s Angels, will host a Grief and Loss Conference on June 14 at the Amarillo College West Campus Lecture Hall.
The BSA Hospice of the Southwest location is seen in Amarillo. BSA Hospice of the Southwest, in partnership with Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation and Olivia’s Angels, will host a Grief and Loss Conference on June 14 at the Amarillo College West Campus Lecture Hall.

"The hardest thing about grieving is to grieve. ... This is a very accepting event. I understand that the topics are very heavy, so we allow people who need to step out and come back or step out and leave - there is space to do that. The expectation is not that you sit through this whole conference; we will have ample amount of time for breaks and questions. If someone can't sit still and needs to stand in the back, they can do that. We want people to be comfortable, and I want this to be a safe space for everyone," Jenkins said.

In addition to these sessions, attendees can explore several resource booths and engage with community partners. Breakfast will be provided by Olivia’s Angels and Crown of Texas Hospice Foundation.

The conference is free and open to the public; however, registration is required for those seeking Continuing Education Units. Space is limited. Community members are encouraged to register early. To register, go online to https://www.hospicesouthwest.com/post/grief-loss-conference .

This article originally appeared on Amarillo Globe-News: Amarillo organizations to host grief conference June 14